
【新唐人2013年06月15日讯】美国前中情局(CIA)雇员爱德华•斯诺登(Edward Snowden),日前泄漏国家机密,逃往香港,他又透露,国家安全局(NSA)的“棱镜”(PRISM)计划,自09年起延伸至香港及大陆电脑网络,包括“香港中文大学”。但“中大”6月13号表示,网络系统有专人监控,没有发现遭入侵。同时,美国议员要求调查斯诺登与中共的关系。


美国《华尔街日报》14号报导,美国众议院情报委员会主席罗杰斯(Mike Rogers) ,将斯诺登称为“叛徒”。他说,我们还要问很多问题,比如他的动机、联系人、在何处落脚、为什么会到那里去、在那里的生活来源,以及中共政府是否对他予以全面配合。












采访编辑/秦雪 后制/周天

US Congress Member Called For investigation Of
Snowden’s Contact With The Chinese Communist Party

Former CIA employee Edward Snowden,
who leaked top secret documents to the media, fled to Hong Kong weeks ago.
Snowden further revealed that PRISM,
a surveillance program operated by the United States National Security Agency (NSA),
targeted networks in Hong Kong and Mainland China
from 2009, including the HKIX system of Hong Kong’s Chinese University.
However, the university announced on June 13th that
their network system is under special monitoring and they hadn’t seen any hacking activity.
A US congress member called for the contact
between Snowden and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to be investigated.

Currently all the Internet traffic of Hong Kong
needs to go through HKIX,
an internet exchange point operated by the
Chinese University of Hong Kong.
As a response to Snowden’s leaks,
the university said that
the HKIX system is under normal operation
with no hacking observed.

A Washington Journal reported on June 14th,

that US House Intelligence Committee Chairman
Mike Rogers called Snowden a “traitor".
Rogers said: “We need to ask a lot more questions
about his motives and connections;
Where did he end up, why he is there,
how is he sustaining himself while he is there?
Is the Chinese Communist Party fully cooperating?"

The US government has launched a criminal
investigation of Snowden.
A Huffington Post article presents a possibility
that explains the whole incident:
Against a backdrop of scathing U.S criticism of
China’s cyber attacks against America,
China decided to hit back at America with a clever tactic:

By credibly exposing US espionage activities that
undermine the constitutional rights of American citizens,
they get America to tear apart the NSA to the extent
that the agency’s future capabilities will be diminished.”

The article further speculated that Snowden was
profiled by CCP intelligence agencies long ago.
The CCP assessed that he had grievances against
the United States and was also financially motivated.
So they recruited him using cash and the deal was
he had to whistle blow about the PRISM program.

Professor of economics at Peking University Xia Yeliang
spoke about Snowden’s leaks of NSA’s surveillance program.

As a US citizen, if he (Snowden) makes some arguments
to protect civil rights against violation of privacy by the government,
I think this deserves public sympathy.
We should pay attention to his experience and
even defend him if necessary.
On the other hand, as an intelligence agent he should
be punished if he doesn’t abide by the law.
This is legitimate because he should know about the
consequences when he chose to join the agency.”

The Guardian reported on June 11th that Snowden was
believed to be in a “safe house” after leaving his hotel.
He Qinglian, a US-based economist, believes that the key
question is who provided Snowden with the “safe house”?

Xia Yeliang: If Snowden is provided a “safe house”
which is confirmed to be true in the future,
then Snowden will be unfortunately marked as
a shameful traitor and a spy against his own country.
Right now I can’t conclude what kind of person he really is.

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said that
the surveillance program can only gather data with permission of a specialized court,
and then only from a very limited group.
Only anti-terrorism specialists are engaged in the job,
for anti-terrorism tasks only.

He Junren, a council member of Hong Kong, remarked
that it was not strange that the incident drew wide attention
as the CCP’s hacking activity was also a hot topic but it was
not proper to place the two topics into the same category.
He believes that the Hong Kong government should handle
the incident independently and the CCP should not interfere.

Beijing freelancer Yin Deyi said that, although he believes
the US government does monitor private communications,
its purpose is completely different from that of the CCP.

Yin Deyi, freelancer from Beijing: ”Whatever the US
government has done, it is in the name of anti-terrorism.
This is completely different from the CCP who directs
surveillance against its citizens to suppress their protests.”

According to Forbeschina.com, the US Congress has
requested extradition of Snowden,
but didn’t announce if Snowden will be extradited to US.

However some Hong Kong council members
suggested Snowden either leave Hong Kong on his own initiative or wait for extradition.
