













“This Is Unbelievable”

Eleven days after the high-speed train crash on July 23,
the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) still cannot calm down
the people and the families of the victims,
which has triggered waves of protests.
How do foreigners view this?
How credible are China’s media to them?

The “Wenzhou train accident" occurred on the night of July 23.
China’s official numbers are 40 deaths and nearly 200 injuries.

Japanese overseas student Sato said about the accident:
“I can’t believe it. Was it due to such a basic reason?
Japan has Shinkansen. There has never been an accident
like this. Many Japanese people cannot believe it.”

Fudan University student Sven Englund wrote
three open letters to the CCP’s president Hu Jintao.
For that he was sent back to Sweden. He thinks the accident
shouldn’t happen and that CCP cannot secure railway safety.

Rescue work stopped in less than 8 hours after the accident.
In less than 24 hours officials ordered to cut the wreckage.
In one night the wreckage was removed, provoking thoughts
of the regime’s trying to “destroy and cover up the evidence”.

Sato: “Many people criticize the CCP burying the evidence.
One day after they buried the wreckage, they dug them out.
This is unbelievable, not only for Japanese,
but also for the people in the world.”

Not only is the accident unbelievable to Sato,
but he is upset about the irresponsibility of the CCP.

Sato: “The CCP authorities’ attitude is hard to believe.
It is very, very bad!
So the information it provides to us is also very bad!
We are manipulated, most Japanese think this way.”

To cover up the truth about the tragedy, the CCP conceals
the actual number of victims and the name lists,
stopping Chinese media to report or comment on the incident.

Chinese media were ordered to only use official statements,
and more than 100,000 postings online have been removed.

Englund: “China has a lot of smart people, but the CCP spends
a lot of efforts to block information, which is very dangerous.
It not only jeopardizes China’s future, but harms the world.

For myself, and for the future world, I sincerely hope that
Chinese people can think and express themselves freely.”

Prior to this, Sven Englund said that he is satisfied
that he did something for freedom of expression in China.
He pledged to continue fighting for human rights in China,
saying: “If we just remain silent, there will be no change."

NTD reporters Li Lan, Wang Ziqi and Wang Mingyu
