



9/11 Terrorist Attacks on the Same Day

[Whispers of Life] Seven years ago, 9/11 left a fresh memory on Liu Guohua’
s mind. Liu is a former law instructor at the Northeastern University in
China. Because on that day, while he was in the United States in Flushing,
New York, he was knocked down to the ground by a Chinese assailant who yelled
loudly: “All Americans should be killed." Later, Mr. Liu was nearly killed
in a retaliation craze. And has the police solved this case yet?



Yuxin: Hello dear audience. The 9/11 terrorist incident has now occurred
several years ago. The terrorist attacks that took place in New York and
Washington D.C. have caused thousands of people to lose their lives. This
tragic incident has brought about numerous family tragedies and mental trauma.


Some people say that the 9/11 incident changed the United States, changed
the lives of Americans, and also served as a wake-up call for the security
of the United States. During these 9/11 events, on the same day, in Flushing,
New York, Liu Guohua personally encountered a terrorist attack.

What actually happened? Now, we will have Mr. Liu share his story with us.


Hello Mr. Liu.

Liu Guohua: Hello Yuxin.

Yuxin: I read that you introduced a Website, called Liuyuan Website: www.6PARK.
com. What is this Liuyuan Website about?

Liu: Correct, I cited as an example the Liuyuan Website. This document tells
that the “Shenzhou V and Shenzhou VI Satellite”, Liu Chunyi offered to
congratulate the Chinese Consulate in New York. The “Shenzhou V and Shenzhou
VI Satellite” are an action to support the Chinese Communist Military.
And what is the main purpose of the Chinese Communist Party to develop their
military forces? Now in Mainland China, the websites controlled by the Chinese
Communist Party make it clear, without covering it up, that the purpose
for the Chinese Communist Party to develop their military is to fight the
United States. It has already been made public. It is easy to remember the
website, it is 6PARK.COM.



Yuxin: The Yuan is the Yuan in Gong Yuan (park)
宇欣 :是公园的园。

Liu: Its server is located in the United States.

Yuxin: Yes, its server is in the United States.
宇欣 :服务器是在美国。

Liu: Correct. People in Mainland China could hardly have access to this
website. It mainly targets overseas Chinese students. These global overseas
students, if interested, will all go to this website.

Yuxin: What is the main purpose of this website?
宇欣 :那这个网站的主导思想是什么呢?

Liu: To use the Chinese Communist’s ideology to influence overseas Chinese

Yuxin: So it has a great impact, mainly targets upon the global overseas
宇欣 :那这个影响面就是很大了,主要针对世界各地的海外留学生。

Liu: Correct. It was two years ago when I read on this Liuyuan Website an
article entitled “Bombing New York”. This article is a poem. It states
to have the liberation army drive this “Bomber H-5”. It is the latest
type of bomber. And then it will carry four hundred pounds of bombs, four
hundred pounds of bombs is an extremely large amount of bombs. Generally,
a bomber carries less than two hundred pounds. And then fly to where? Fly
over New York. It states that it should not bomb any civilian residents.
They said that civilian residences have too few people. It should directly
target schools, hospitals, and places where there are lots of people.

It stated that at the New York bay, there were many military warships, which
should also launch some large barrel-like cylinders. How many people should
it kill?


It stated two million. And then it stated that two million were not enough.
It should kill four million. It stated that if we want to bomb them to death,
we should bomb them heartlessly, and bomb to death the majority of the


Yuxin: This scheme is horrible.

Liu: There were over four hundred people who read this article when I downloaded
it. This article I …

Yuxin: When did this happen?

Liu: Two years ago. It was during the time when the “Shenzhou V and Shenzhou
VI Satellite” were launched, when they had their highest nationalism.”



Yuxin: Does that website always carry this kind of articles?

Liu: This kind of articles openly promotes terrorism. This article stayed
at the website for one day before it was deleted. As a comparison, I also
registered with the Liuyuan Website, and also have posts on this website.

I recalled when the Atlantis space shuttle was launched, some tiny particles
dropped down. So when the Atlantis was launched, it involved many people’
s attention.

NASA analyzed the video, and believed that it was not a big deal. And then
Atlantis returned smoothly. I also felt very happy after it returned. I
felt that when it was first launched, that some small particles dropped,
but that eventually did not have a big impact. So I am also very happy.
I posted some articles on the Liuyuan Website, and about a dozen photos.
I should say this posting was very normal.

Yunxin: And it is also a very happy thing.

Liu: It is a very happy thing. However after it was posted, someone immediately
followed with a post saying that I was a “traitor to China”.

Yuxin: You posted this in the United States and he said that you were a
traitor to China?

Liu: This website definitely has the Chinese Communist Party’s backing.
That is why it can so openly and undisguised promote terrorism. It also
states that the liberation army should come to attack New York in the United
States, and also bomb many people to death. That is why it could have this
kind of articles posted there for so long. And you see my article was deleted
immediately after it was posted. Such a normal posting could be deleted.

Yuxin: Talking about this terrorism, it reminds us naturally of 9/11. I
heard that on the same day, you also experienced a terrorist attack. What
kind of experience was that?

Liu: This is an incident that I experienced myself. And it happened on the
same day when 9/11 happened. On the day of 9/11, we New Yorkers all had
this experience. The World Trade Center was bombed and destroyed. I was
in Flushing. Manhattan is far away. After being destroyed, the smoke came
up. And the big smog was extremely heavy. Even here, we could see it.

Every New Yorker was shocked by this horrible scene. It was around four
to five in the afternoon when I went to a printing company to take newspapers.
I just heard people talking about this.

Yuxin: You had not seen the images on TV?

Liu: No, I had not seen the images on TV. After I arrived at the print shop,
the TV in there happened to be rebroadcasting the footage of New York being
under this terrorist attack, including some footage of the Pentagon being
I was really shocked seeing these pictures.

At the time, many people at the print shop were watching TV. One person
in the audience, when he saw that the World Trade Center was destroyed by
the plane crashing into it, he applauded and said it was well done. While
cheering loudly, he stood up. He said that the explosion was so good. He
said that all Americans are criminals, and all should be killed. As soon
as I heard this, I was really angry.


Imagine, this is like if a family’s house is on fire, and when we return
and see that the building is still on fire, a person stands up and says,
“Oh, the burning is so good and people inside burnt to death.” Then them
being a relative of ours, one cannot bear to hear people say such things.

Well actually we are all the same. We came to the U.S. and we have very
close relationships with the Americans. We all know that the U.S. has a
Thanksgiving holiday. We came to America, so we should have appreciation
for this land and the people living in it.

Yuxin: We need to love this place.

Liu: We need to love them.

Yuxin: Which print shop was this?

Liu: A print shop in Flushing, it is on the 32nd Street.

Yuxin: What kind of person was he?

Liu: I do not know this person. I tried to stop him from talking. I told
him that he should not speak like this. I was quite polite at the time,
because I did not know this person.

Yuxin: What does he look like?

Liu: He was in his forties. He wore a pair of high-degree glasses. Besides
saying those things, he also talked about America’s invasion of Grenada.
This is a very small incident. What is it about? Due to the coup from the
opposition, Grenada was unstable. The legitimate government of Grenada at
the time invited the U.S. to give military support. Under this circumstance,
the U.S. sent troops to Grenada. Because of this issue, I was certain that
this person came from mainland China. Why? Because I used to be a teacher
in mainland China, and the anti-American teaching materials in Chinese universities
mentioned this issue.


Yuxin: Yes, the textbook mentioned this.
宇欣 :对,这个课本里有谈到。

Liu: Yes, so I was certain that he came from mainland China. I was sure
of it, and I tried to stop him. Later when I could not stop him, I went
out of the print shop with him. We had a clash outside the factory, I knocked
him down, and he was losing at that time.

Xinyu: Did he stop?

Liu: He ran to an automobile repair garage nearby and found an iron rod,
about this long. It weight about ten pounds. I saw that he got the iron
rod, and I knew he wanted to kill me. Anybody can imagine the consequence
of using such an iron rod. Hitting it on someone’s head can kill the person

Xinyu: Right, then what did you do? Did anybody help you?

Liu: I ran inside the print shop, because there were no Chinese in there,
they came out after hearing there was a fight. There were several Westerners
in the factory, but because my English was poor, I pointed to the image
on TV and told them the person chasing me said this was good. They immediately
understood that this assailant cheered for the terrorists. So they came
out to help me right away. There was a person called Frankie, a tall young

Yuxin: A westerner?

Liu: A Westerner, he came from South America.

Yuxin: He tried to hit you with the weapon, did he succeed?

Liu: After I came into the factory, I had nowhere to run. I was empty-handed,
so I said this person supported terrorism. Frankie became angry. He went
to the entrance, and the assailant came in. Frankie grabbed him by his clothes
in front of his chest. As Frankie is tall and big, he began cursing loudly
as soon as he grabbed the assailant, and pushed him outside.

The assailant almost fell outside the factory. He stood up, grasped the
rod and tried to continue fighting. The director of the factory also helped
me. He pointed at the assailant and asked, “Do you know who I am?” He
was also condemning the assailant. The assailant saw that so many people
were on my side, and he could not enter the factory, so he directly threw
the weapon in my direction.

Yuxin: So he threw it at you.

Liu: Yes, he threw it at me. I dodged in haste. The weapon fell on the ground,
making a loud “bang” sound, like iron makes!


Yuxin: Then what happened after this? Did you report it to the police?

Liu: There was a later development. The situation on that day was just like
that. It can be said that Frankie saved my life. Without his help, I might
have been beaten to death by this assailant.

Yuxin: Have you found out later what kind of person this assailant was?

Liu: I still do not know it.

Yuxin: Speaking of this, I thought about after the 9/11 incident, various
Chinese forums were filled with gloating voices. These people not only did
not sympathize or support the victims, but they cheered loudly for the terrorists.
This kind of mentality is really puzzling.

Liu: Yes, these are all very practical problems. After these things happened,
many people warned me that I might encounter other troubles. I believed
that I probably would not, as what I did was appropriate.

Yuxin: You were just stopping him.

Liu: I was merely stopping him.

Voiceover: Seven years later, Liu Guohua comes forward again alongside many
righteous people to fight the Chinese Communist Party’s accomplices in
Flushing in this battle between good and evil. With a gap of seven years,
what is the connection between these two incidents?

Yuxin: So what happened later?

Liu: About half a month later, I went to 32nd Avenue to do business. Everyday
from 4 to 5 o’clock, I closed my business, and then went to the printing
factory to pick up my paper. After I came out of the store, I was not prepared,
suddenly I sensed an object coming at me from behind. So automatically,
I quickly put both hands beside my head, then a hard object hit my head.
It hit me, and after I turned my head, I saw the assailant, he quickly ran
away after that, and my head was bleeding.
刘国华:大约半个月以后,我在32 大道做生意,每天四点到五点这段时间我就把生意结束,然后到印刷厂取报纸。我从商店出来以后,我没有准备,我就觉得有东西从后面过来袭击我,我当时就很自然的两手抱头,有个硬物就砸到我头上,砸到我这边,我回头一看就是当天的歹徒,打完以后马上就跑,我一看,头已经出血了。

Yuxin: Did he know that you worked there before, or was he following you?

Liu: He was well prepared, he was hiding behind the door. Later my friends
told me that I must report this incident to the police, because if I didn’
t do that, I would never be able to find out who did this, so I must report
this to the American police.

I agreed with what they said, and went to No. 109 Police Sub-Bureau to report
this incident to the police. After that, people from that police sub-bureau
said they were very upset about this incident. At that time, the person
who wrote down the details of my case was a female police officer. This
police officer said to me: We make sure to help you to find this assailant,
because you don’t know how to express yourself in English, we will need
to find a police officer who speaks Chinese to talk to you, and have this
person take care of your case. I said fair enough. The following day, when
I was at my store, a police officer indeed came. He gave me his card, and
it stated that his name was Wu Yachang.
我认为说的对,于是我到109 分局去报警,我报警以后,109分局他们对这事情都感到很气愤。当时负责记录的是位女员警,这员警当时就给我讲,我们一定会帮助你找到歹徒,但由于你不会用英语表达,他说我们会派一个会说汉语的员警来和你联络,让这个人来负责这个案件,我说那很好。第二天我在店里面,就有一个员警去,这员警去了以后,当时就给了我一张名片,我一看名片,他名叫伍雅倡。

Yuxin: Then here it brings up a story.

Liu: Then I told him what had happened to me. I’d say he paid a lot of
attention to it at that time, he asked me if I had any clue who did it?
I did not. I said to him that the reason why I reported it to the police
was out expectation that police officers would find out about it anyway.
When Wu left, he said, if you hear something, be sure to call me.

Yuxin: Then what happened after that?

Liu: After that, after some time, a friend found out some clues to this
case, then I got in touch with Wu, to tell him about that.


Yuxin: So a clue was found.

Liu: When Wu heard about it, he was very serious about it. Wu then went
to the No.109 Police Sub-Bureau and to my friend’s place, and got this
clue, which included the assailant’s address, his license plate number
and more. After Wu got a hold of this clue, we were sure that he had found
this assailant.

Yuxin: Then, did he deal with it afterwards?

Liu: Wu suddenly found me another day and asked me, if I wanted to reserve
the right to hold this person accountable legally? I said I wanted to reserve
this right. Wu asked me about that, after he obtained the clue from my friend.


Yuxin: So he asked you if you still want to sue this person.

Liu: I wanted to sue this person. But after this person was found, we didn’
t hear anything from him anymore, nothing. Therefore, my friend told me
that this assailant probably had been sent back to mainland China. Why?
We can think about it this way: after Wu obtained the clue, he found him,
and then the police probably would have arrested him.

Since this incident happened on “9/11” it was an open matter, and this
assailant could not deny it. If the police had caught him and then brought
him to trial, since he could not deny it, the police probably would have
to deal with his case. Probably would have sent him back, that’s our logic..
