【禁闻】吉林军人疑遭滥杀维稳 外界要真相



















People Need Truth after Jilin’ Soldiers were Killed Arbitrarily to Maintain Stability.

After four soldiers from Jilin deserted the garrison troops with
a rifle, there were not any news reports of their attack.
But these four people were wanted by the authorities, and
three were killed by Liaoning’s special policemen.
This brought about doubts from soldiers, netizens and people
related to law.
They required authorities to publicize the reasons and truth
about the killing of the active duty soldiers.
They also accused the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) of
arbitrarily killing soldiers for maintaining stability.

On Nov 9th, Jilin’s Public Security issued an emergency notice
stating that in the early morning,
four soldiers from the local Garrison of Troop 65331 “escaped",
carrying a 95 automatic rifle and 795 bullets.

Among the four soldiers, 23-year-old Yang Fan who enlisted
in the army in 2005, was a sergeant squad leader, as a gun repair soldier.
The other three soldiers Linpeng Han, Li Xinxin, and
Zhang Yan were new soldiers and just joined the army in December last year,
coming respectively from Liaoning, Hunan, and Heilongjiang.
They were target soldiers.

The Public Security informed banks and gold shops to
strengthen preventive measures.
Mr. Li, a veteran from the northeast, and another veteran
pointed out that it was obvious that the four soldiers did not intend to rob.

Li: “These persons in the incident were in the same military,
and in the same troop.
Then he also said that it’s certain something happened
in his family.

And in the troops, for a second class sergeant such as he,
it’s normal to go to the armory to pick up a gun and carry weapons.
Moreover, among four of them, only one took away a gun,
and the other three didn’t.

This is probably informative. If they were going to rob,
each of them would take the gun away. That’s for sure.”

At about 3pm in the afternoon, the four soldiers took a taxi
along State Road 202 from Jilin to Shenyang.
They were intercepted by special policemen who
were checking vehicles in Caoshi Town, Qingyuan County,
and Liaoning Province. The two sides exchanged fire.

In the end, three of the soldiers were killed, and the fourth,
who was wounded, was placed under arrest.

Beijing-based lawyer Zhang Kai wrote a microblog saying,
“If they were just carrying a gun without posing any threat
to society, no one has the right to kill them.”
But his microblog could not be read quickly.

Zhang Zanning, Nanjing-based lawyer and law professor of
Southeast University, holds the same view.

Zhang Zanning: “If he just carried a gun,
I think no one can kill him.
If he is a deserter, he will be arrested.
You can’t put him to death. ”

Yang Fan’s hometown is Hongsheng Town, Fushun City,
which is less than one hundred kilometers away from Caoshi Town, where the gunfight happened.

Some netizens disclosed that the reason behind his decision
is that Yang Fan’s family suffered from house demolition.
His family members have had serious conflicts with the local government.
It made Yang Fan go back for “revenge."
The other three came to help him out of loyalty.

Zhang Zanning: “This matter is still not confirmed.
We can only say that if it’s true, it just shows that they were dissatisfied with something.

Whether they were deserters or not is unconfirmed.
Maybe he wanted to do something for achieving a fair statement.
And now we don’t know the truth of the situation. “

The Public Security also released the four soldiers’
QQ account numbers.
Before their joining the army, they reproduced a large amount
of internet articles about love and constellations.
Among them, Li Xinxin wrote an article “Morning mood:
seeking freedom.” He also said he would “work hard.”

BBC pointed out that Chinese correspondents
widely reported the rape case in Shenzhen.
But they basically kept silent regarding the incident of four
soldiers’ fleeing from their battalion with a gun.
Related information from Netizens is blocked.

While a 28-year-old female Wang Juan in Shenzhen was
attacked and raped by a man from the defense team,
her husband Yang Wu fearfully hid in the utility room.

Independent writer Liu Yiming said that whether
its Yang Wu’s cowardice or Yang Jia’s violent protest,
its a product of the CCP’s totalitarian regime.

Liu Yiming: “The control over guns in the army is very strict.
China is just this way.
When the officials or the strong group commit crimes,
they can often live with impunity.
So the Chinese media has a double standard.
When encountering such a thing, people can be two kinds of persons.
One is Yang Wu, the other is Yang Jia.
Either to kill, or to swallow an insult.

“Apple Daily" in Hong Kong published an article pointing out
that the 65331 troops mentioned in the Public Security’s
arrest warrant is the 46th Panzer Regiment of the 16th Army.

Xu Caihou, the vice chairman of CCP’s central military
commission, was from the 16th army.
Since a first class accident happened to the “Northeast Army",

it’s bound to affect a large number of officers and affect
Xu Caihou’s personnel arrangement before his retirement.

Comments from outsiders point out that vice chairman of
CCP’s military Guo Boxiong and Xu Caihou are both
hand-picked and arranged around Hu Jintao by Jiang Zemin.
The more the authorities cover up the incident of soldiers’
escape with gun, the more people will doubt.
It will accelerate the CCP military’s image of corruption.
It will bring about people’s dissatisfaction with
the arbitrary killing of soldiers for maintaining stability even more.

NTD reporters Chen Han, Li Yuanhan and Sun Ning
