【禁闻】处置薄熙来 北戴河会前各方放风






香港的英文报纸《南华早报》总编辑王向伟与北京高层人士的关系密切,他表示,海伍德案的主要嫌犯、 薄熙来妻子谷开来“可能不会面临死刑”。由于谷开来患有精神分裂症,可能会对她减轻处罚。但薄家的勤务人员张晓军预计将面临死刑。










采访编辑/常春 后制/钟元

Ahead of Beidaihe Meeting:
Information on Bo Xilai Judgement Comes from All Sources.

The Beidaihe meeting, a conference for final decisions
before the 18th party congress, will be held in July.
According to recent sources inside the Chinese Communist
Party (CCP), the investigation on Bo Xilai’s case has finished.
Top-level CCP tends to use “a secret
and semi-secret combined trial mode.”
Information said that the blood-debt faction, including
Zhou Yongkang, is trying to reduce Bo Xilai’s accusations.
It is to avoid Bo being accused of a coup,
and to draw a line between Zhou and Bo.

Since 1954, high-level CCP have met in Beidaihe
every year during the summer.
It is to make decisions on the economy and personnel.
This meeting is thus called “Beidaihe Meeting.”

The Beidaihe Meeting in July will be used to make
final decisions for the 18th party congress. It is a power-transfer meeting.

It is reported that the central CCP
had set up three investigation panels.
They are responsible to three central departments,
for cases which Bo Xilai is involved in.
Public Security investigated Gu Kailai’s
murder of Neil Heywood.
State Security investigated Wang Lijun’s defection.

The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection
investigated Bo Xilai’s case.
Now these panels are said to have finished investigations
and have reported to the central government.

On the case of British businessman Neil Heywood,
there will be a major criminal murder trial.

Wang Xiangwei, Editor in Chief of Hong Kong’s South China
Morning Post, is closely connected to top-level CCP officials.
He said that Bo’s wife and main suspect in the murder,
Gu Kailai, “may not be sentenced to death.”
This is because Gu Kailai is deemed schizophrenic,
and might be given a mitigated punishment.
But her family assistant, Zhang Xiaojun,
might be sentenced to death.

Bo Xilai will be accused of corruption.

Wang Xiangwei wrote in a column that Bo “denied firmly”
that he knew in advance about Heywood’s murder.
Bo might be accused of corruption
and conspiracy with relatives and confidants.

Previously, according to the Washington Free Beacon,
Wang Lijun revealed to U.S. Consulate
about the conspiracy of Bo Xilai and Zhou Yongkang
against Xi Jinping, the next Chinese president.

Sources said that the blood-debt faction, which includes Zhou
Yongkang, are trying to avoid Bo Xilai being accused of a coup.
They want to draw a line between
Zhou Yongkang and Bo Xilai.

On June 11, ‘The Australian’ cited a high-level
CCP veteran and analyst in Beijing.
The central government tend to use
“some secret and semi-secret combined trial mode” to tackle these three cases.

Wu Jianguo, an online writer, said that the CCP
regime does not obey the law.
Be it semi-secret or in public,
they just go through the motions.

Wu Jianguo: “People with the least common sense know
that the CCP law courts work under party’s commands.
Be it semi-secret or in public, they
just go through the motions.
From accusations to trial results,
everything is pre-determined.
Media also report according to party demands
and the general public has no right to speak.”

Zhang Sutian, a current affairs commentator commented.

Based on current information sources, the investigation
on Bo Xilai’s case has finished. It is in the final stage of judgment.
Some information is from Hu Jintao,
who expects feedback from the public.
But some information is from Zeng Qinghong
and Zhou Yongkang, who are misleading the public and creating confusion.

Zhang Sutian: “In a public or semi-public trial,
if the high-level CCP is not accusing Bo Xilai of a coup, then Zhou Yongkang is also not guilty.
If so, Zhou Yongkang’s trial might happen in secret,

then it is very difficult to correct China’s current judicial
system, including the Political and Legislative Committee.”

Shi Cangshan, China expert, said high-level CCP
officials never step down, other than for reasons of coups or inside struggles.
Corruption and criminal offences are simply excuses.
