




石藏山分析说,十八大前,中南海要求各地立军令状强制维稳,不然就撤职、 丢官。因此各地诸侯怕群体事件压不下来,又不能调动军队,就自行成立地方武装。而目前大陆局势奥秘,外界猜测,地方武装或许会演变成各地诸侯兵变的前兆。


目前居住纽约的大陆著名盲人维权人士陈光诚,接受美国国会邀请,8月1号抵达华盛顿,与众议院议长、共和党议员博纳(John Boehner)和众议院民主党少数派领袖佩洛西(Nancy Peosi)等多位国会议员进行会谈。



于洋退出羽坛 网友热议






China Gears ‘Special Forces’ for Urban Management

On August 1, the Urban Management Bureau of Hanyang
District, Wuhan City, set up the first armed forces department for Urban Management in mainland China.
The first batch of 40 personnel joined the militia. They will
undergo national defense combat readiness and ideological education, and can join the army during wartime.
They are also called “special forces"
in the Urban Management’s battlefront.

After this news was reported by Yangtze River Network,
it immediately aroused great public concerns.
On NetEase the news had over 140 thousand viewers.
It is also forwarded by many netizens on the Sina microblog.
Though the local government thinks this practice can better
the image of the urban management, netizens are ridiculing it.

Shi Zangshan, Washington expert on China issues, pointed
out that this is a new event under the current situation.
There are mass protests across the country and the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) cannot control them any more.

Shi Zangshan said, before CCP’s 18th congress, Zhongnanhai
urges local officials to set up a military to maintain stability,
Otherwise, the local officials were threatened
to be removed from their positions.
Also, local officials fear mass protests can’t be suppressed,
and they can’t mobilize the army, thus they set up local forces.
However, some experts speculate that local armed forces
may become an omen of local power’ mutiny.

Chen Guangcheng Criticizes CCP For Not Keeping Promises

Chen Guangcheng, a famous, blind Chinese activist currently
living in New York, accepted an invitation from the US Congress and arrived in Washington on August 1.
He spoke with the House of Representatives’ Speaker,
Republican John Boehner, the House Democratic Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and other members of the Congress.

In a news conference before the talks, Chen told reporters,
that CCP’s leadership had made a clear commitment to him,
that they would conduct a thorough investigation on his
oppression and abuse in Shandong and protect his family.
However, three months later he has not received any news
about the progress of the investigation.
And he doesn’t even know whether CCP authorities
have begun the investigation.
Chen’s nephew Chen Kegui
is still in detention.

Chen Guangcheng said that no CCP officials contacted him
since he arrived in the US.

Yu Yang Quits Badminton Union: Netizens Hot Topic

Yu Yang, China’s famous badminton player,
announced she is resigning from the Badminton Union.
Yu and her partner Wang Xiaoli were disqualified by the IBF
for their weak performance in a match.
Yu said, the decision of disqualifying her
has ruthlessly crushed her dream.

This is a hot topic now for netizens in mainland China. Some
said, the disqualification is a disgrace to the national team.
Many people expressed sympathy and support
to Yu Yang’s decision.
Others reminded that China is using the whole state
resources to win more sport medals internationally.
Thus the decision of match-fixing is certainly not from the
athletes, but from the highest level of China’sport authorities.
So, Yu Yang and Wang Xiaoli are just scapegoats.

According to BBC, the IOC announced on August 2, they’ve
asked the OC’s of China, Korea and Indonesia to investigate the coaches of their poorly performing players in London.

The IOC spokesman Mark Adams said,
the players should not be the only ones punished for this.
