






“达赖喇嘛基金会”董事长 达瓦才仁:“对所有的西藏人来说都是这样。就像2008年拉萨抗议的时候,西藏人说,我们是58年被你们打死的西藏人。因为西藏有转世的观念。”









采访编辑/秦雪 后制/王明宇

When The Iron Bird Flies: A Secret War

Born in a people’s liberation army (PLA) family, the Tibet
historian Li Jianglin published her second book, “When the Iron Bird Flies."
The book describes the secret war launched by the
Chinese Communists in the 1950s in Tibet.
The devout Buddhist and honest nature of the Tibetans formed
a sharp contrast to the ruthless guns and aircrafts of the Communist Party.
Li Jianglin told NTD reporter that the CCP has repressed
with violent and destroyed the faith in both Tibet and the Han people.
The so-called “Sino-Tibetan conflict" in essence
is the “Communist-Tibetan conflict."

Between 1956 and 1962, in the name of democratic reforms
and “vindication of the insurgency," the PLA conducted massive killing in Tibet.
As a result, temple collapsed, doctrine burned, nearly 350,000
Tibetans died or were injured, and Buddhist culture was nearly destroyed.
Historical data about this bloody repression
has never been complete.
In the preface, author of “When the Iron Bird Flies,”
Li Jianglin wrote,
“This is one of the longest and largest military operations
ever took place in the mainland since the CCP seized power."
“From the military point of view,
this war of the CCP in Tibet is a complete victory.
Strangely enough, it is also the least publicized by the CCP.
For decades, this war has been carefully evaded and covered up."

Li Jianglin visited hundreds of elderly Tibetans and collected
historical documents and confidential files to “restore the historical facts."

Li Jianglin believes this killing is the origin of current Tibet issue.

Tibet historian Li Jianglin: “Many incidents such as
the Lhasa incident in 2008, the Lhasa incident in the late 1980s,
and the Tibetan self immolations now, are actually
the after-effects of that war. It continues to date."

Dawa Tsering, Tibet Religious Foundation of His Holiness
the Dalai lama, indicates that war has been inscribed in the Tibetans.

Chairman of the Tibet Religious Foundation of His Holiness
the Dalai lama, Dawa Tsering: “It is the situation to all Tibetans.
Just like during the protests in Lhasa in 2008, Tibetans said,
‘We are the Tibetans you killed in 1958.’ It is the concept of reincarnation in Tibet."

Having lived upstream of the Yellow River,
the Tibetan ancestors had never seen Han Chinese.
While facing the CCP army, Li Jianglin says,
“People’s Liberation Army fired along the bank.
Those Tibetans who crossed the Yellow River did not know
to hide from the shooting.
While warplanes were bombing, the Tibetans were simply
looking and talking about the aircrafts."

Li Jianglin indicates to the New Tang Dynasty that it’s not
just Tibetans who are simple.
Decades ago when there was no killing, no land reform,
no brutal and cruel political movement, rural Chinese were very simple.

Li Jianglin: “As for the killing in Tibet, in fact, served
to build the CCP’s state power.
It was just like what happened in Mainland where the CCP
also fought to seize power and built its political power.
It’s the same in Tibet."

Li Jianglin believes that the atheist and violent CCP has been
suppressing both Han and Tibetan peoples, and destroying their belief at the same time.

Li Jianglin: “Class struggle sees it reasonable to kill and to
struggle, whereas the compassionate Buddhist ideology opposes killing.
These two are completely the opposite.
It is so throughout the land.
In fact, destroying the Tibetan monasteries was the
last destination of the CCP destroying act.
Prior to that, temples of various religious in all other provinces
of Mainland China have all been basically destroyed."

The Dalai Lama has repeatedly said that all that the Tibetans
have suffered is not the responsibility of the Chinese, but that of the Chinese government.
Li Jianglin quoted the Dalai Lama as saying,
“We have never given up our confidence in the Chinese."

Li Jianglin: “Most Chinese know nothing about
what happened in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in the 1950s.
I do not quite believe that
the Sino-Tibetan problem is good wording.
I think the problem is between the Communists and Tibet,
not the Hans and Tibetans."

“When the Iron Bird Flies" took Li Jianglin one and a half years.

The title comes from the prophecy of Guru Padmasambhava
in the eighth century AD,
“When the iron bird flies, and horses run on wheels,
the Tibetan people will be scattered like ants across the world and the Dharma will come to the land of the Red Man."
