【禁闻】军四总部改姓胡 胡习李将大动作?




原大陆历史学教授 刘因全:“通过四总部的调整以后,这样胡锦涛就完全掌握了军队,掌握了军权,这样我们可以预见,通过十八大,胡锦涛把书记交给习近平,然后温家宝把总理交给李克强,这样呢,中国就会形成胡、习、李三驾马车这种局面,就是胡锦涛掌握军队,起平衡协调各派的作用,习近平掌党务,李克强掌行政。”







北京时政观察人士 华颇:“因为精英阶层政治诉求的结果就是:中共交出政权下台,不管宪政民主也好、普世价值的理念也好、还是司法独立也好,反正这些诉求不管实行那一条,都意味着动摇了共产党执政的根本。”


采访编辑/刘惠 后制/孙宁

Hu Jintao Completely Controls Army

The reshuffle of the Chinese Communist
Party (CCP) military continues.
The regime’s People´s Liberation Army
(PLA) just replaced its top leadership.
Observers note that four newly appointed army heads
are Generals who were elevated by Hu Jintao recently.
Commentators say that Hu Jintao was inactive during
his tenure, being subject to Jiang Zemin’s restraint.
This reshuffle indicates that Hu Jintao will stay in charge
of the army, to balance out the CCP’s internal forces.
The new army leadership will help Hu
to completely purge Jiang Zemin’s forces.
Critics think that the CCP ruling elite will follow
the lead of Hu Jintao, Xi Jinping, and Li Keqiang.
The CCP is expected to
implement inside Party reform.

On October 25, the CCP Ministry of Defense’s official
website updated the heads of Four Army Headquarters.
The new Chief of the General Staff is Fang Fenghui, and the
new General Political Department Director is Zhang Yang.
Zhao Keshi is the new Chief of General Logistics Department,
and Zhang Youxia is head of General Armament Department.

Liu Yinquan, former history professor,
analyzes this latest CCP army reshuffle.
1. the newly promoted army leaders were mainly from
grassroots, with combat effectiveness and cohesion;
2. the promotions did not include those of
Jiang Zemin’s faction, Bo Xilai’s forces or of any princelings, nor those corrupted officials.
3. Hu Jintao dominated the reshuffle
after having taken advice from Xi Jinping.

Liu Yinquan: “By reshuffling the Four Army Headquarters,
Hu Jintao has completely controlled the army.
At its 18th Party Congress, Hu Jintao will pass his
seat to Xi Jinping, and Wen Jiaobao to Li Keqiang.
We can foresee that China will see a situation under the lead
of three carriages; Hu Jintao, Xi Jinping, and Li Keqiang.
That is, Hu controls the army,
balancing out the CCP internal forces.
Xi leads the CCP, and Li takes
the helm of its Administration."

The latest issue of Hong Kong’s Asia Week exposed a list
of new Central Military Commission (CMC) members.
The list shows that Hu Jintao will stay on as
the CMC chairman after the 18th Party Congress.

Liu Yinquan says that there exist
many forces within the CCP.
They include Maoist forces, Deng Xiaoping forces,
Jiang Zemin’s clique, the Youth League faction,
the princeling clan, the liberal faction and the group
with vested interests, controlling the Chinese economy.
Liu says that infightings among these forces
has intensified.
Hu Jintao maintaining control of the army
will help check and balance these forces.

Liu Yinquan: “Internationally, China faces tense relations
with its neighboring countries, over territorial disputes.
Particularly the Sino-Japanese dispute over the
Diaoyu Islands, and the South China Sea issue.
These issues aroused a pressing need
for Hu Jintao to remain as the head of the army.”

Liu Yinquan adds that full control of the military
would help Hu Jintao to thoroughly purge Jiang’s corruptible forces in the army.
Next, Hu Jinatao will focus on troop
drills, to boost combat effectiveness.

Liu Yinquan: “Over the past decade, Jiang’s clique has long
made trouble, and struck out against Hu Jintao’s faction.
Five out of nine Politburo Standing Committee
members are Jiang Zemin’s cronies.
On one hand, they blocked Hu Jintao playing his role.

On the other hand, they made Hu Jintao
into a scapegoat for crimes irrelevant to him.
Next, Hu Jintao will surely purge Jiang’s clique, I believe.

They might redress some injustices, including vindication
of Falun Gong, and of the June 4th student movement.”

Hua Po, political observer in Beijing,
questions CCP custom practice in politics.
Usually, the CCP’s new leadership will unconditionally
follow the former leadership team’s policies.
Hua Po forecasts that new CCP leaders will solve
some livelihood problems to fulfill Hu-Wen’s wishes.
Yet, it will be hard to truly satisfy the elite echelon.

Hua Po: “The elites’ political pursuit is that
the CCP hands over it’s power, and steps down.
No matter whether it is to realize a constitutional democracy,
or to pursue universal values or judicial independence,
all these have shaken the basis of CCP rule."

Liu Yinquan does not expect that the CCP’s new leadership
will launch major political reforms, given the current situation.
Yet, there are signs showing that the CCP will carry
out inside-Party democratic reforms, speculates Liu.
