【禁闻】三中前连环爆 中央内部惊恐万分








香港《文汇网》引述内部人士的话说,爆炸事件初步被怀疑为恐怖事件。但直到目前,中共当局还没有对这起爆炸事件定性 。


旅美中国社会问题研究人士张健认为,中宣部低调处理,原因有三: 第一怕老百姓知道﹔第二怕效仿﹔第三怕更多的民众参与进来。










采访/易如 编辑/王子琦 后制/孙宁

Recent Bombings Rattle the CCP’s Central Committee

In the lead up to third Plenary session of the Chinese
Communist Party’s 18th Central Committee,
two major explosions have occurred in succession.

According to overseas Chinese media, the latest bombing
at the CCP’s provincial headquarters in Shanxi
has made the CCP’s Central Politburo realize with great fear
that tremendous change is impending.

On Nov. 6, a series of small explosions went off outside the
office building of Shanxi’s CCP Provincial Committee
in Taiyuan City, leaving at least one dead, and eight injured.

Because the first explosive site is at the gate of the Shanxi
Letters and Calls Bureau (a complaint and appeals office),
many speculate that the attack was aimed at
the CCP’s provincial committee.

US-based Epoch Times news website was informed that the
bombs in Taiyuan have the CCP Central Politburo terrified.
CCP officials are all discussing the major blast event
and are quite frightened.
No one can predict how tomorrow will turn out.
Therefore, under the current circumstances,
no faction of the CCP is willing to give their stance.

Beijing political observer Hua Po:
“Giving no stance on this event won’t do.
Those in power need to show their attitude.
However, whether the reason for the event could be found out,
and if it is found out, whether the reason would even be
released to the public, are the most important in this.
I think the authorities are already caught off guard,
and are panicked."

At noon on Nov. 8, CCP mouthpiece Xinhua published a piece
of news online stating that on Nov. 8 at 2am,
the bombing case was solved, and the suspect Feng Zhijun,
41 years old, was arrested in Taiyuan.
The reports says Feng was previously sentenced
to nine years in jail for theft, but didn’t state his motive or
give further details about the event.

Hua Po: “Such an explosion case mainly results from
the discontent about the current regime and system.
Some petitioners and rights activists are in despair due to
their long unresolved problems caused by the regime."

The Shanxi bombing has had a wide influence,
shocking people domestically and overseas.
Overseas Chinese media have reported the event in succession.

Hong Kong-based Wen Wei Po newspaper cites insiders who
say the bombing was preliminarily pinned as a terrorist event.
However, CCP authorities have yet
to identify the nature of the attack.

On Nov, 7, no newspaper published in Taiyuan
carried headlines about the explosion event.
Reports say that the Central Committee of the CCP’s
Propaganda Department has ordered the national media
to keep low profile on reporting the issue.

US-based Chinese social issues researcher Zhang Jian says
there are three reasons the CCP’s Propaganda Department
has applied a low-profile strategy:
first, they fear ordinary Chinese knowing about it;
secondly, they worry some may emulate it;
and third, they worry more and more people will get involved.

Hua Po: “The entire country is widely chaotic,
with explosions rumbling.
The Propaganda Department always
plays the role of whitewashing events.
So this notice [to stay low key] is no surprise."

Voice of America says in a report that only media and people
outside China speak the truth about the Taiyuan explosion.
The CCP is unable to.

In addition, a considerable number of nails
and metal balls were found at the bombing site.
The blast damaged about 20 cars within 100 meters of the site,
leaving many car windows shattered or riddled with holes,
and some car bodies riddled with dents.

Many sources say it seems the suspect is one who
commands a certain level of bomb production technique
and whose skills are very professional.

Hua Po: “The Oct. 28 explosion incident on Tiananmen Square
only involved a jeep, and people with gasoline and knives,
and this is a simple attack form. However, on Nov. 6,
the explosion event was produced by remote control.
The explosive skills seem to become higher and higher,
which is hard to prevent and has a larger destructive force."

Just one week ago, the car collision event happened in Beijing,
which produced 5 death and 40 injured.
Beijing police identifies the nature of the bombing as
“precisely deliberated plot terrorism attack,
and then five involved Uyghur people were all caught."

Zhang Jian: “The major significance of the Shanxi bombing
and the Tiananmen explosion incidents is that it is a symbolic
action which may mark an end to the rational, peaceful and
non-violent means of defending rights and begin a new page
of history where people sacrifice their lives to defend rights.
I believe that from now on this will be a highlight."

Zhang Jian says this is also what most concerns CCP officials.
When all rational and non-violent rights defending means
are turn to violent means, then the personal life security
of these officials will be considerably threatened.
As the sage Lao Zi said, “if the people don’t fear death,
what good would it do to threaten them with death?"
Once people awaken, no longer want to be slaves,
and try to topple the CCP, then the officials
and their family members will be cleared out by the people.

Even so, many netizens say that harm to innocent people
should be minimized.

On Nov. 7, the China Jasmine Revolution website reports
that although the bombing site has been unblocked,
strict control is still being maintained.

Authorities have put a large number of police on stand by,
but this still doesn’t reassure the high-ranking officials.
On the evening of Nov. 6, armored cars equipped with heavy
machine guns showed up, patrolling the area.
