【禁闻】保党与改革 三中全会进退维谷

【新唐人2013年11月09日讯】中共三中全会很快就要召开,中共喉舌不断放风,中共将进行全面经济改革。外界认为,30多年前,当中共面临生存危机时,中共开始的跛足改革, 已经把中国和中共本身带入到现在这种矛盾无解的境地,中共新政试图再次在加强共产党政治和意识形态控制的同时,进行由市场驱动的全面经济改革,对延续中共残喘的梦想将事与愿违。












采访编辑/刘惠 后制/黎安安

Chinese Regime Third Plenary Dilemma: Save The Party or Reform

The Chinese Communist Party
(CCP) Third plenary is approaching.
Chinese state-controlled media began
highlighting proposed economic reforms.
Our experts believe that failed reforms 30 years
ago, when the CCP was at the eve of collapse, has
brought China and the CCP to this hopeless end.

Another reform under the current regime ideology,
with tyrannical control as priority, is doomed to fail.

Chinese state media reported on comprehensive economic
reforms that Xi Jinping will lead during the Third Plenum.
It is an idea to promote economic development, by
encouraging market competition, private businesses,
financial liberalization and more consumer activity.

It hopes to strengthen the regimes political
and ideological control, while conducting
comprehensive market-driven economic reforms.

Xie Tian, Professor at School of Business, University
of South Carolina Aiken: “Tightly grasping politics,
and relaxing the economy, are exactly the causes
of the current society and economy in China today.
The so-called reforms appear
to be taking the same approach.
Tight political pressure and a relaxed economy
is going nowhere, and it’s a dead end."

After the Cultural Revolution in the 70’s,
China’s economy nearly collapsed.
During the time period when Eastern European communist
countries faced massive protests and unrest, the CCP
was also facing a serious crisis for it’s own survival.

Then leader Deng Xiaoping began reforms, where were
driven by national support and market opportunities.
The CCP, central leadership, state power,
and state-owned enteprises became a
source of enormous wealth and power.

Severe differentiation, protests, and rights
movements are thus all over in China.

Rapid economic development is accompanied
by suffocating pollution, huge local government
debts, inefficient and corrupt monopolies,
and failing household and land systems.
Consequently, rural residents are marginalised
from the prosperity of the neighboring cities.

Current leaders Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang claim
that reforms in the Third Plenum will turn the
system from state-centered to market-centered.

Xi is insistant that the CCP leadership remains.

However, the power and wealth of the CCP and
its continued rule rely on the functioning economy.
Experts suspect Xi Jinping is leading the
country and his rule into a risky experiment.

Wu Wei is a former researcher at the Office of
Political Reform of the CCP Central Committee.
Wu also served as Secretary to the office’s director.

Wu indicated that in not solving problems
at the political level , these economic reform
measures will only end up failing half way.

Wang Beiji, political commentator: “The CCP is in
a vicious cycle of allowing economic development,
but not rights development, and its not going to work.

Once the economy improves, people are move more freely.

They may go abroad, and realize that policing is
more friendly, the air is fresher, and the water is better.
They will being to hate the CCP.

The CCP itself could not understand that its
development policies and goals are conflicting."

Recently, the CCP has focused on security issues.

These range from national security to
regime security and ideological security.
CCP scholars believe that political
security is a sovereign security.
Therefore, security in the political system, the ruling
party activities, and ideology is particularly important.

Xia Ming, Political Science Professor, City University
of New York: “From National Security, security for
the regime, and finally to ideological security, it
is only a reflection of the CCP’s fear and anxiety.
They recognize the regime is
facing collapse and disintegration.
Xi Jinping is shifting focus from economic
construction to defending ideological security."

Chinese state-media summarized that since 1978,
when the CCP first opened up and initiated reforms, rural
agriculture, market economy, and reform and development,
have become the most frequently occurring key words.
Reform has been mentioned 116 times
in previous communiqué of the Plenum.

Xia Ming suggests that the CCP manipulates state
power with a market economy to accumulate
wealth for officials and to rob the Chinese people.

Foreign investment, at the cost of the cheap labor in
China, has provided new opportunities for deprivation.

Interview & Edit / Liu Hui Post-production
