【禁闻】马英九坚挺占中 否定“一国两制”











马英九日前接见欧美媒体驻亚洲特派员访华团,在记者会上,瑞典《产业日报》特派员奈兰德(Johan Nylander)问马英九,中国大陆是否会真正实施民主?马英九的回答是:我们从来不会妄想,认为中国大陆会很快地走向民主。对于台湾未来走向,马英九坚称:中华民国是一个民主的主权国家,一切重大政策都必须依民主原则决定,包括两岸未来关系,这个原则不会改变。


采访/易如 编辑/黄亿美 后制/

Ma Ying-Jeou Firmly Supports Occupy Central,
Denies “One Country, Two Systems"

Ma Ying-Jeou, the President of Taiwan, has caused the
Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) authorities’ discontent due
to his support for Hong Kong Umbrella Movement.

The CCP’s mouthpiece “Global Times" published an article
to criticize him.
Ma Ying-Jeou has once again made a statement on Hong Kong’s
situation, urged mainland authorities to understand his
statements with wisdom , and believed that negotiation is
the only way to have a peaceful settlement of Occupy Central.
At the same time, Ma Ying-Jeou also stated, Taiwan can not
accept the “One Country, Two Systems" proposed by the CCP.

President of the Republic of China, Ma Ying-Jeou: I have to
express my firm support again to the campaign that aims for
general democratic elections of the Chief Executive.

This statement has caused Ma Ying-Jeou to be criticized
by mainland media.
The CCP’s official media, Global Times published an article to
seriously criticize Ma Ying-Jeou being
just Taiwan’s “local head".

He speaks irresponsibly and only wants to avoid an attack from
the Democratic Progressive Party during the election.
It also warns Taiwan has been inseparable from mainland China
and Ma Ying-Jeou should behave himself and should not
provoke Beijing authorities

In response, Ko Wen-Je, a candidate for the Mayor of Taipei,
stated that China should show politeness.

Ko Wen-Je: Even when it is facing a small neighbouring
nation’s head of state, diplomatic etiquette is necessary,
not to mention politeness.

The Global Times article was reproduced by all Taiwan media.

However, the outside world believes that Taiwan is in the
period of local elections, Ma Ying-Jeou may feel compelled to
respond for the vote.

Taiwan Thinktank Consultant, Dong Liwen believes, Taiwan
polls show more than 90% of the people opposes using
“One Country, Two Systems" to unify Taiwan, and this is
very firm public opinion.

Dong Liwen: In fact, Ma Ying-jeou highlighted in his speech,
Taiwan will not accept the One Country, Two Systems.
This is mainstream public opinion in Taiwan from
past to present.
Over the past twenty years, no matter which party is in
power, this is a common position, a very clear position.

Dong Liwen stated, CCP’s Taiwan policy changed significantly
due to Ma Ying-Jeou in the past six years, such as giving
economic benefits, promoting cross-strait exchange, improving
cross-strait relations and so on.
However, as long as things that harm human rights or
democracy occurred in the mainland, Taiwanese people would
immediately cast aside, the Hong Kong’s Umbrella Movement
is also one of them.

Dong Liwen: The CCP’s attitude to Hong Kong caused its United
Front to Taiwan to collapse overnight.
Its (CCPs) image, the image of improving cross-strait
relations, collapsed overnight.
The people of Taiwan are highly concerned and sensitive about
The CCP’s attitude towards democracy and freedom.

Director of Foreign Policy Research Institute, National Tsing
Hua University, Yen, Chen-Shen: Indeed, because we have
been accustomed to freedom of democracy and human rights.

If the mainland becomes democratic in the future, Taiwan
may reunify with the mainland.
But I think there are about 30 percent of Taiwan’s population,
who would think this is China’s matter, congratulations, you
have become a democratic country, but we
still want independence.

During a recent meeting with a delegation of European and US
media stationed in Asia, Johan Nylander, a correspondent
from Sweden’s, “Dagens Industri" asked Ma Ying-Jeou whether
China can adopt to democracy.
Ma Ying-Jeou replied, they never wistfully thought that
mainland China would become democratized quickly.
As the future direction of Taiwan, Ma Ying-Jeou insists that
the Republic of China is a democratic, sovereign nation and
the major policies are determined
through democratic processes.
This includes cross-strait relations,
with this principle not changing.

Ma Ying-Jeou said, for Taiwan, when the “one country, two
systems" was just raised in 1982, President Chiang Ching-Kuo
made it clear that this would be unacceptable, and he raised
“one country, under a better system".
That means a system of freedom, democracy, and prosperity
for all, and our position has never wavered over the years.

Interview/YiRu Edit/Huang Yimei Post-Production/
