
【新唐人2010年2月24日讯】2月23号,加拿大卡尔加里第六选区市政府议员乔.康奈利(Alderman Joe Connelly)向阿尔伯塔省新唐人(NTDTV Alberta)发来贺信,表达对即将来访的美国神韵艺术团致以最热烈和美好的祝福。










Greetings from the City of Calgary
Ward 6 Alderman Joe Connelly

On behalf of the City of Calgary,it is with great pleasure that I extend the warmest of greetings
and best wishes to the Shen Yun Performing Arts 2010 World Tour.

The citizens of Calgary are excited to share this unique experience in culture through both classical and ethnic dance as well as enchanting and timeless music.

We welcome you and hope you will cherish your visit to our city as we cherish our memories of you.

With Sincere best wishes,


卡尔加里第六选区市政府议员乔.康奈利(Alderman Joe Connelly)


Biography of Alderman Joe Connelly

Office of the Aldermen

Joe Connelly was first elected as Alderman for Ward 6 in October 2007. Joe lives in the ward he represents and served as a Community Association President for a number of years where his leadership resulted in a number of significant community enhancements.

Joe earned a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Calgary and has been employed in the business and non-profit sector for the past 30 years. Notably, Joe was the Vice President of Tourism Calgary where he promoted his passion and enthusiasm for our great city throughout the world. In his tenure at Tourism Calgary, he championed the new brand for our city – “Calgary, Heart of the New West,” and was privileged to ring the closing bell on the New York Stock Exchange to profile and celebrate the “Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth.”

Joe’s commitment to communities is reflected in his direct involvement in such significant committees including:

* Standing Policy Committee on Finance and Corporate Services
* Standing Policy Committee on Utilities and Environment
* Land and Asset Strategy Committee
* Gas, Power and Telecommunications Committee
* Calgary Exhibition and Stampede Board of Directors
* Aldermanic Office Coordinating Committee

Joe is committed to on-going dialogue and consultation with community residents to build and sustain safe, friendly and clean communities.
