【新唐人2010年2月28日讯】2月26号,美国神韵艺术团2010世界巡回在加拿大卡尔加里市演出的主办方之一 —加拿大阿尔伯塔省新唐人(NTDTV Alberta)收到阿尔伯塔省议员希瑟•福塞斯(MLA Heather Forsyth)对美国神韵艺术团的贺信,她代表阿尔伯塔省野玫瑰联盟向美国神韵艺术团的所有演员和工作人员表示热烈问候,并祝福美国神韵艺术团世界巡回演出成功。
阿尔伯塔省议员希瑟.福塞斯(MLA Heather Forsyth)
作为卡尔加里鱼溪区(Calgary-Fish Creek)省议员,我非常珍视我们的城市根深蒂固的多元文化传统。神韵表演艺术通过一系列创造性的精彩表演,展现了中国传统风俗的历史,这是非常的荣幸能分享这独特的演出。
Greetings from Heather Forsyth, MLA Calgary-Fish Creek Constituency
It is my pleasure to extend a warm welcome to the performers and staff of the Shen Yun Performing Arts 2010 World Tour.
As MLA for Calgary-Fish Creek, I value the diverse cultural traditions entrenched in our city. Shen Yun showcases a history of traditional Chinese customs through a spectacular array of creative performances and it is an honour to share in this unique production.
On behalf of the Wildrose Alliance Caucus, I thank you for bringing this amazing show to the city of Calgary. I wish you all the best as you continue on your journey around the world.
Heather Forsyth, MLA
Calgary-Fish Creek
Biography for Mrs. Heather Forsyth (WA)
MLA for Calgary-Fish Creek
Heather Forsyth was first elected MLA for Calgary-Fish Creek in 1993. On January 4, 2010, Mrs. Forsyth joined the Wildrose Alliance caucus.
In addition to her role as MLA, she currently serves on the following standing committees of the Legislative Assembly:
* Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund
* Privileges and Elections, Standing Orders and Printing
* Health
* Public Safety and Services
Previously she served as Chair of the Standing Committee on the Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund and as a member of the Standing Committees on Private Bills and on Government Services.
As a result of her work with children, in 2002 she was named Reader’s Digest Canadian Hero. One of her greatest honours was being bestowed the Blackfoot name Aahsoikinnah-kaiki, which means healing woman.
Prior to becoming an MLA, Mrs. Forsyth worked as a sales and marketing manager in the advertising industry for 15 years, during which she received the Silver Marketing Award and the 1989 President’s Award.
Prior to entering provincial politics, she also volunteered with community groups, the Children’s Wish Foundation, the provincial Youth Justice Committee, the Alberta Social Services Appeal Advisory Board and the Calgary Board of Health.
Mrs. Forsyth is an avid reader and enjoys playing golf, gardening and spending time with her family and friends. She is also the founder and current chair of the Peanut Butter Classic Society, a non-profit organization which puts on a golf tournament yearly to raise much-needed funding for charities that help women and children. A native of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, she lives in Calgary with her husband, Gordon, and has two sons.
February 11, 2010