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Before New Year’s Eve, a Guangdong Province Work Group
was dealing with the human rights issues in Wukan.
They said that the Wukan village cadres
did illegal deeds in the process of land transfer.
Some of the village cadres took over collective property,
accepted bribery, and diverted public funds for personal use.
Commentators point out that the Chinese authorities
use the village cadres as a scapegoat to stall guilt,
and that the root of the land issue lies in the totalitarian rule
of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Since September 2011, people came out to protect their land
in Wukan Village, Lufeng, Guangdong Province.
This draws wide public attention
in China as well as abroad.
In the continual struggle in the village, Guangdong Provincial
CCP Committee has been silent on the arrests of villagers.
It finally deployed a working group
stationed in Lufeng on December 19.

On December 30, the group informed the villagers, they accept
their demands as reasonable, and that the land issues do exist.

The report said, in the past 20 years, Wukan’s CCP committee
sold about 106 acres of land for non-agricultural constructions.
In doing that, they did not hold villagers’ meetings according
to regulations, and did not publicize land sales information.

Fengtian Livestock Company purchased 67 acres of land
in Wukan village, but in reality they took 75 acres.
Guangdong Richvast company defaulted land compensation
for up to RMB 4.32 million, and 95 acres of land is idle for two years.

The report said, Xue Chang, former Wukan CCP secretary,
Chen Shunyi, director of villager committee, have appropriated the main collective assets.
In the process of land sale, part of the village cadres
have received commissions.
Plus, Lufeng Rural Credit Union, and staff in Donghai Town
branch of Lufeng City Bureau of Land are also involved in the bribes.
Official news said, Xue Chang, Chen Shunyi and Zou Chai,
the former cashier of the village, have been ‘shuanggui.’
‘Shuanggui’ is a CCP’ form of illegal detention, usually
requiring people to report at a specified time and place.

In this regard, SkyNet spokesman Pu Fei pointed out that such
an investigation would take over half a year in other countries.
Here in contrast, the authorities are releasing this report
within 10 days, which shows very hasty and rigorous approach.

Pu Fei: “They are just looking for a local level scapegoat
within their own system.
I believe for a few hundred acres of land in Wukan village
would be involved at least local Shanwei officials, if not members of CCP’s Guangdong Committee.
The authorities only punished two people who are not
even officials, certainly the people will not be satisfied."

Pu Fei said, in the land acquisition process, many officials
wantonly withheld compensations, and took advantage of price differences, resulting in many social conflicts.

Pu Fei: “The root of the problem is the regulation of land
acquisition, if it (CCP) doesn’t do this as soon as possible, this problem will be endless.
You interrogated one village committee member, or cashier,
but this will not solve the problem."

Former reporter of Shaanxi TV, Ma Xiaoming said, the CCP
regime plundered farmers land and it is not the so-called land expropriation or land purchase.

Ma Xiaoming: “It’s a pure land robbery, that’s the government,
the CCP and government officials are plundering the land.
It started from Deng Xiaoping and other central officials’
children, relatives and aides.
It was started from them. They went all over the country
and everywhere in Beijing to grab and resell the land..
Afterward the trend expanded from the central committee
to provinces and districts."

China Newsweek, a mainland media, reported that villager
Zhang Jiancheng had been detained with Wukan representative, Xue Jinbo, who had suddenly died in detention.
According to his memories, on the night Xue Jinbo died,
he heard wails coming from the detention center for a while.
Zhang Jiancheng said: “When I was released,
someone told me not to talk about it.”

NTD reporters Li Yun, Li Qian and Zhou Ping
