













采访/朱智善 编辑/陈洁 后制/陈建铭

Is Jia Qinglin the Next Target on Xi Jinping’s Agenda?

After the investigation of Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
Politburo Standing Committee member Zhou Yongkang,
people have been wondering who will be next.

According reports by Hong Kong media, the next target
on Xi Jinping’s list is Zeng Qinghong, as well as another
former Politburo Standing Committee member, Jia Qinglin.

Hong Kong-based Next Magazine recently reported that
most local tyrants who are involved in the Zhou Yongkang
corruption case have Hong Kong identity cards.

Zhou Yongkang’s family in Hong Kong’s network is mainly
manipulated behind the scenes by his son Zhou Bin.

A person named Wu Bing is taking care of their
huge kingdom in Hong Kong in Zhou Bin’s absence.

Wu took care of Zhou Yongkang’s family’s company, Zhongxu,
which is involved in entertainment investment in Hong Kong.

One of his important partners is Zeng Qinghong’s brother,
the cultural tycoon Zeng Qinghuai.

Zeng Qinghuai’s daughter Zeng Baobao
had registered 23 companies in Hong Kong
and got much support from a group of Hong Kong tycoons
when the Fantasia Holdings Group was listed in 2009.

44-year-old Zeng Baobao is on the Hurun Rich List
because of wealthy support.

The report said that in addition to Zeng Qinghong,
Xi Jinping’s next target is said to be former Politburo Standing
Committee member Jia Qinglin.
Jia has visited Chongqing when Bo Xilai was in office.

Jia’s son-in-law Li Botan, a long-time Hong Kong resident,
set up the Yidong investment company in 1991.

Another of Li’s companies, Beifang Tonghe Holdings,
has in oil, mining, agriculture, real estate and other services.

Beifang Zhaode Investment Holdings owns the full stock
rights of Beifang Tonghe Holdings, which is a huge business

Li is also the chairman of Beifang Zhaode.

Li Shanjian, U.S.-based commentator: “Jia Qinglin has
corruption and personal problems all the time.

The most important is that he did a lot of bad things following
Jiang Zemin, especially the persecution of Falun Gong.

For the new leaders including Xi Jinping,
they have to deal with Jiang’s faction.

Jia is an important person in Jiang’s faction, especially
as a former Politburo Standing Committee member.

However, whether he’s taken down or not,
I don’t think it’s a landmark event."

According to Next Magazine,
Hong Kong newspaper Wen Wei Po reported in 2010 that
Li was Secretary-General of the Moutai Culture
Research Association in Beijing.

Since Xi began his anti-corruption after taking office,
several wealthy private clubs in Beijing have been closed
except Li’s Moutai Club and No.8 residence.

Their continuing business as usual
may be due to Jia’s family’s connections.

Zhang Jian, U.S.-based China affairs expert: “Although Jia
was on the Politburo Standing Committee, his influence
on China’s judicial system is far less than Zhou Yongkang’s,
and the range things he was involved in aren’t as wide.

Jia is also in a semi-secluded status after Jiang’s retirement.

For sure, Jia should be brought to justice; but the focus
should be on Zeng Qinghong and Jiang Zemin."

The CCP mouthpiece People’s Daily published an article
reportedly on Xi’s speech in a party meeting on July 26,
titled, “Anti-Corruption Doesn’t Stop with the Take Down
of the Big Tiger Zhou Yongkang.”

However, it was deleted hours later due orders from Standing
Committee member Liu Yunshan who works in propaganda.

On Aug. 4, CCP newspaper Changbai Mountain Daily
disclosed Xi Jinping’s speech on June 26.

Xi said the current corruption and anti-corruption is at
a stalemate, and said, “Fight with corruption, personal life,
death and reputation don’t matter."

This report was reprinted by several mainland Chinese
websites, but completely deleted soon after.

Li Shanjian: “In general, Jia’s role is not as important
as others, such as retired official Luo Gan, reigning
Liu Yunshan, Jiang’s strategist Zeng Qinghong,
and Jiang Zemin himself.

They are more important in Jiang and Xi’s fight."

Zhang Jian: “There is only one step away to take down Jiang.

The position Xi is in is like sailing against the current,
he can either forge ahead or fall behind.

It will be the biggest threat for Xi himself to give Jiang’s
faction opportunity to breath and room to make a comeback."
U.S.-based Epoch Times columnist Xia Xiaoqiang says that
based on the New York Times report on Xi and Jiang’s fight,
as well as the central discipline inspection team stationed
in Shanghai, and the exposed scandal of Jiang’s son,
Jiang Miankang, conditions for Jiang’s fall may very well
be quickly coming together.

Interview/Zhu Zisan Edit/Chenjie Post-Production/Chen Jianmin
