共机侵台海中线 美方AIT促北京放弃胁迫台湾


AIT发言人孟雨荷(Amanda Mansour) 表示,北京单方面改变现状的作为是有害的,不利于区域稳定。 相反,它们破坏了几十年来实现和平、稳定和发展的框架。 北京应该停止强制性的作为,恢复与台湾民主选举产生的政府对话。

孟雨荷说,依据台湾关系法,任何通过非和平手段包括抵制或禁运,来决定台湾的未来,是美国的严重关切。 AIT重申,台湾是一个可靠的伙伴,一个民主的典范,一股世界上良善力量。 美国敦促中共放弃胁迫,会危害台湾人民的安全、或社会制度或经济制度的胁迫。


(更新) 中华民国外交部下午5点左右表示,对美方适时为我仗义执言,表达诚挚感谢!强调“我政府长期致力维护两岸现状”,针对中共军机“穿越台海中线的刻意挑衅行动”,外交部已予严厉谴责,亦于第一时间知会区域伙伴国家,共同关注此一危害区域和平稳定的冒进作为。政府将持续加强自我防卫能力,“并与美国及理念相近国家携手合作,共同捍卫民主自由制度,维护印太区域的和平稳定,以及以规则为基础的国际秩序。”


Beijing’s efforts to unilaterally alter the status quo are harmful and do not contribute to regional stability.  Rather, they undermine the framework that has enabled peace, stability, and development for decades.  Beijing should stop its coercive efforts and resume dialogue with the democratically-elected administration on Taiwan.  Consistent with the Taiwan Relations Act, the United States considers any effort to determine the future of Taiwan by other than peaceful means, including by boycotts or embargoes, of grave concern to the United States.  Taiwan is a reliable partner, a democratic role model, and a force for good in the world.  The United States urges China to abstain from coercion that would jeopardize the security, or the social or economic system, of the people on Taiwan.

——转自《新唐人亚太台》 (责任编辑:竺颖)
