荷兰国会议员 哈利.范.博梅尔恭贺中国新年

【新唐人2011年1月31日讯】我是哈利.范.博梅尔,荷兰社会党(Socialistische Partij)的国会议员。


My name is Harry van Bommel. I am a member of parliament for the socialist party in the Netherlands.

Next year I hope to visit your beautiful country, China. And I wish that 2011 is going to bring basic freedoms for all the peoples of China, and that includes all the Chinese, the Tibetans, and those living in the province of Xinjiang. I hope that you can enjoy all your basic freedoms just as we can here, and that the road to democracy is a peaceful one. Peace and prosperity in 2011 for all the Chinese.
