【禁闻】去年中国非法外流资金 6000亿美元

【新唐人2012年10月27日讯】去年中国非法外流资金 6000亿美元

美国一个非营利组织“全球金融诚信(Global Financial Integrity)”,10月25号发布报告说,仅去年一年,中国的资金非法外流总额高达6000亿美元,而且数额还在持续增加中。“全球金融诚信”的研究说,过去11年来,总共有3.8万亿美元流出中国。


转发“江脑死”被拘网民 提前获释












China’s Illegal Funds Outflow

Global Financial Integrity, a non-profit organization in US,
released a report on October 25 which said in 2011 alone,
China’s illegal funds outflow totaled up to USD $600 billion,
and the amount is still increasing.
Global financial integrity research showed over the past
11 years, a total of USD $3.8 trillion flew out of China.

The report said the increasing amount of illegal funds flowing
out of China is taking a toll on China’s economic and political crisis,
especially during this moment of leadership changes
of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Netizen Forwarded ‘Jiang’s Brain Dead’ Released

Resident Ding Zhenzhong from Shantou, Guangdong Province,
forwarded information overseas regarding Jiang’s brain death last week using the online name ‘Phoenix.’
He was arrested last Friday and should be detained until
November 1. However, he was unexpectedly released today.

According to Radio Free Asia, Ding Zhenzhong believes that
his early release should be attributed to concerns of netizens.

The report quoted Ding Zhenzhong, who revealed that
his wife Zhan Caiyun disclosed his arrest to the outside world via microblogs,
as well as the phone numbers of the responsible people.

Many netizens and people called the police
and local government to appeal for them.
The Chinese authorities grew very nervous, and asked
to talk to Zhan Caiyun and ordered her to delete all messages.
However, Zhan demanded her husband’s release
and the return of her computer mainframe.

Another Tibetan Self-Immolated

On October 26, another Tibetan self-immolated to protest
the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) rules.

Voice of America quoted Harriet Beaumont,
the spokeswoman of human rights organization Free Tibet,
who said 24-year-old Ramo Granderson self-immolated
in Xiahe County, Gansu Province on Friday.
Now, his remains have been sent back to his village.
A large number of security personnel were sent to that area.

Beaumont said this is the 10th Tibetan who self-immolated
in October.
After a spate of self-immolation incidents, the police provided
cash incentives to those who informed them about the planning information.

Beaumont said there is no information available that says
others were involved in the planning of self-immolations.
She is worried that, due to the bounty of the Chinese police,
some may groundlessly allege others to be involved in the planning.

Ningbo Authorities Prevent March on PX

Anti-PX (a dangerous chemical) projects in Ningbo, Zhenhai
District, Zhejiang Province had been on going for five days.
According to the locals, protests continue to expand and more
and more people have begun to participate in the demonstrations.
Netizens also launched massive demonstrations for the weekend,
claiming that the target number is 10,000 people.
Ningbo authorities have gotten vigilant to prevent large numbers
of people from gathering and Zhenhai District authorities have
issued a notice to all government departments to work
on weekends in order to maintain stability.
