【禁闻】李源潮“援朝” 韩战真相再受关注













1950年7月7号,联合国安理会通过决议,派遣联合国军队支援韩国。 9月15号,联合国军队扭转了战争局势,迫使朝鲜军北撤。

10月1号,朝鲜领导人金日成致信当时的中共党魁毛泽东,请求中共出兵援助朝鲜。同一天, 苏联的领导人斯大林向毛泽东发出电报,建议中共的军队以“志愿军身份”出现。

为不给美国对中共宣战的理由,中共在没有对美国正式宣战的情况下,先后派遣300万“正规军”以民间志愿者的名义进入朝鲜参战。 但1951年2月1号,联合国大会认定中共介入朝鲜是“侵略行为”




采访编辑/刘惠 后制/李勇

Will Chinese Vice President Visit To North Korea Ease Conflict?

China’s vice president Li Yuanchao visited North Korea to
mark the 60th anniversary of end of the Korean War.
The true history of the Chinese Communist regime
during the Korean War is again being discussed.
Meanwhile, will Li Yuanchao’s visit ease the nuclear threat
on the Korean peninsula and maintain bilateral relationships
between China and North Korea?
The following is our report.

Chinese Communist Party (CCP) mouthpiece media
reported that
North Korea leader Kim Jong-un met Chinese
vice-president Li Yuanchao in Pyongyang.
Li also attended the 60th commemoration of the
anniversary of the Korean war ceasefire.

Political commentator Wu Fan: “Why did he go this time? It is
a tactic of the CCP to show off its new attitude to North Korea.
It is a tactic to continue conversation with the UN and the US."

During the meeting Li also pushed for denuclearization of the
Korean peninsula and a resumption of the six-party talks.

However, political commentator Wu Fan does not believe
Kim Jong-un will take on Li Yuanchao’s lobbying.
Kim will continue threatening the world with
his nuclear weapons.
Without the weapons, Kim is worried that his fate
will be like that of the Libyan dictator.
Kim is also attempted to sell his nuclear weapons.

The CCP media also stopped referring to the Korean War
as “an assisting combat against the US” this year.

Wu Fan: “After so many people died for this war,
now it’s becoming a threat. This is Communism.
No matter how many people have died, no one will care.

The US would have tried everything to bring their
soldiers home, even the dead ones.
Their families would also receive life-long honor and care."
Li Yuanchao was born in the 50s. His name literarily means
“to assist the North Korea.”

Historian Liu Yinquan indicated that the so-called
“assisting combat against the US” was a lie.
The three main communist leaders, Stalin, Kim Il Sung
and Mao Zedong,
used this tactic to establish the Korean communist
regime by invading South Korea through crossing the armistice demarcation.

Historian Liu Yinquan: “This lie created a disaster for China,
for Korea, and for the world.
As a historian, I believe this lie needs to be exposed and ended.
It’s a lie that has deceived both Chinese and Koreans."

Prior to the end of World War II, the Korean peninsula
was a colony of the Empire of Japan.
After World War II, the Soviet Union troops occupied
North Korea and handed it to Kim Il Sung.
The U.S. troops occupied South Korea and
implemented democratic elections.
The 38th parallel became boundaries
between the two nations.

The Korean War started in 1950 when the
North Korean army crossed the 38th parallel north.
The North Korean army occupied Seoul and the
defender was defeated at the Pusan perimeter.

On July 7, 1950, the UN Security Council passed a
resolution to send UN troops to support South Korea.
On September 15, the UN troops pushed the
North Korean army northwards.

On October 1, North Korean leader Kim Il Sung sought help
from the Chinese Communist leader Mao Zedong.
The same day, the Soviet leader Stalin instructed
Mao Zedong to dispatch the People’s Volunteer Army.

To avoid a direct conflict with the US, 3 million of
the People’s Liberation Army were sent to the Korean Peninsula as “People’s Volunteer Army.”
On 1 February 1951, the UN General Assembly
recognized the Chinese Communist intervention in Korea as “an act of aggression."

The CCP Army General Logistics Department recorded,
there were a total reduction of 978,122 people,
and 952,501 casualties from battle during
the “assisting combat against the US.”

Liu Yinquan: “Over 900,000 casualties should be correct.

One of my relatives was sent to Korea as a battalion instructor.
He was the only survivor of his battalion after one combat."

However, the CCP has changed the casualty numbers to
380,000 and 180,000 respectively.
