【禁闻】罕见预告习行踪 新“四人帮”不妙?





北京时政观察人士华颇:“抓捕四人帮是1976年的10月份,我想这回14年的10月份,是不是也会搞这么一曲宫廷政变大戏呢,这个也未尝不可,我想总之是习近平对江氏集团的一种威慑,警告。他不可能让党内的对立面给自己搅局。 ”

目前在坊间,已经流传两份新“四人帮” 名单,一份是“江泽民曾庆红、周永康、薄熙来”,另一份则是“曾庆红、李长春、周永康、贾庆林”。












采访编辑/刘惠 后制/葛雷

Xi’s Track is Rarely Foretold.
Is the new Gang of Four no Good?

August 11, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) media rarely
foretells the Chinese President Xi Jinping’s
whereabouts after one week.

This is the first appearance for Xi Jinping in the media after
more than his 10 day disappearance.
It’s questioned why it’s so bold to release the CCP leader’s
travel time and destination under such dangerous conditions
because the CCP have always keeps it secret.

Is it any signal for Xi Jinping to subdue rivals
after Beidaihe’s fight?

August 11, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang
announced Xi Jinping will attend the opening ceremony of the
Summer Youth Olympic Games in Nanjinbe on August 16th.

Before this, Xi Jinping and other CCP Standing Committee
members have collectively disappeared for more than 10 days
from the media.

The external guesses are that the CCP various political forces
are gathering at the Beidaihe meeting to fight on how to deal
with the former Secretary of the Central Political and Legislative
Committee, Zhou Yongkang.

During this period, the hot drama’s historical turning point
Of Deng Xiaoping is on CCTV.
At the beginning of the official commentary, it emphasized the
process of the crushing of the Gang of Four in October 1976
with a civilian perspective.

On the same day, on the portal site, there was an article about
Hua Guofeng disclosing the reasons for pulling back the Gang
of Four: no need for civil war.

Beijing Politics watcher Hua Po: It was in October 1976
with the arrests of the Gang of Four.
I am thinking if there will be another palace coup drama
in October, 2014.
It’s not a bad idea because it’s a warning to the Jiang faction
from Xi jinping.
He won’t allow the opposite inside party to make
trouble for him.

Currently there are two lists for the new Gang of Four, one is
Jiang Zemin, Zeng Qinghong, Zhou Yongkang and Bo Xilai;
the other is Zeng Qinghong, Li Changchun, Zhou Yongkang
and Jia Qinglin.

The columnist Zhuang Feng pointed out that the new Gang of
Four is just a version on behalf of the stability maintenance
force, led by Jiang Zemin faction.

Their real sin is not corruption, but the uncleansed
persecution and crimes against humanity.

The counterattack on the Jiang faction was exposed gradually.

According to foreign media news, there were at least two
assassinations from the Jiang faction since
Xi Jinping’s anti-corruption.

On the second day of Zhou Yongkang’s investigation, the
Global Times immediately issued an article to cheer up the
Jiang faction: The Toad defeated the big green snake as the
weak overcame the strong after being bitten!

Xi Jinping responded with, it doesn’t matter for the
personal life and praise to fight against corruption" and
“prepare 100 coffins”.

US Naval Academy history professor Yu Maochun: I
personally believe it’s the CCP’s political tragedy no matter
had he grasped the new Gang of Four or not.

There will be no such great political fluctuation if the CCP’s
political movements are open and procedural.
Because each political fluctuation will bring great
instability to people’s live.

The visiting scholar at Columbia University, Chen Pokong
analyzed that Xi Jinping might deal with a political coup in a
sense based on the sudden large area air traffic control, the
military exercises, as well as Shanghai station
suddenly being closed, etc.

On the other hand, Hong Kong Chengming magazine published
the August issue, in early July, the Chief of CCP Policy Research
Office Wang Huning admitted that he published Jiang’s theory
of three represents with Zeng Qinghong against his will.
His resigning request is believed to deny Jiang Zemin for the
CCP from the theory.
At the same time, Xi Jinping also sped up to clean up the
Jiang faction in military.
Blood has also changed greatly in the Jinan Military Region,
Shenyang Military Region, Beijing Military Region, Shanxi
Military District, Lanzhou Military Area Command and
General Logistics Department.

On the same day of Zhou Yongkang’s investigation announcement,
Wang Qishan’s Central Commission for Discipline Inspection
(CCDI) team was stationed in Jiang Zemin’s Jiangsu hometown
and Shanghai nest.
Jiang Zemin’s close friend Shanghai Bright Food Group Company
former chairman Wang Zongnan’s arrest is considered a
breakthrough on the Jiang family’s corruption.

August 6, the domestic media 9000w alleged Jiang Zemin’s
sister Jiang Zehui being involved in Zhou Yongkang case.

China Affairs Expert, Zhang Tianliang pointed out the reason
that Jiang Zemin wanted to kill Xi Jinping is because he
wanted to use his executioner who persecutes Falun Gong,
Bo Xilai to inherit his persecution policy.
To Xi Jinping, it’s easy to be bitten by tigers when he failed
to beat the tigers in the corruption of CCP officials with
the anti-corruption banner.

On the contrary, the Jiang faction will be defeated as long as the
crimes against humanity during the process of the Jiang
faction’s persecution on Falun Gong are being exposed.

Interview & Edit/LiuHui Post-Production/GeLei
