





嘉央慈诚也是将当知项欠的影片进行最终剪切合成并将其公诸于世的人。当他一年多前收到表弟冒着生命危险拍摄出的近40盒录像带后,嘉央慈诚便和朋友们一起夜以继日的完成了后续工作,并赶在08北京奥运前将最后整合出的25分钟短片《远离恐惧》(Leaving fear behind)向世界媒体人士首映。此后,这一短片被翻译成5种语言,传遍世界30多个国家。



From October 2007 until March 2008, Dhondup Wangchen carried out a dangerous journey through the Eastern areas of Tibet.He wanted to record the views of ordinary Tibetans on the 2008 Olympic Games in China.Shortly after filming finished, Dhondup Wangchen and his helper were arrested .


Film starts….DW talks to camera:I am not an educated man.I have never been to school. However, I would like to say a few things.What I would like to talk about comes from a discussion that a few of us had a few months ago.What we were discussing was that before the 2008 Olympic Games are going to be held in China we should gather information about whether Tibetans in Tibet agree with the Games and their views on them.




Monk in a remote place: If the 2008 Olympic Games take place, then they should stand for freedom and peace. As a Tibetan, I have neither freedom nor peace. Therefore I don’t want these Games.


Young girl in blue coat: We have no independence or freedom so Tibetans have no reason to celebrate. The Chinese have independence and freedom so it’s something that they can celebrate. Take me for example, I think the Olympics are important but I don’t like them.


Young man: I’ve heard that all the countries of the world are gathering there to take part in a peaceful event. However, Tibetans aren’t allowed to attend. The Dalai Lama is famous all over the world for peace. I feel this and many others, too…it’s difficult to put in words…I feel it is the wish of thousands of Tibetans that he can go to the Olympic Games.


Old man: I really don’t know what to make of these Olympic Games. It remains to be seen until August 2008. I feel very uncertain, as though I’m wandering in the dark and don’t know where it’s safe to step . I don’t trust the Chinese at all. Not one bit.


Man in the snow: I don’t want these Games. Prices have risen because of these Games. We poor people don’t even have enough money to buy food.


Monk indoors: The situation is very dangerous. Actually we would be happy about the Games but much is being misrepresented. China was awarded the Games on the condition that the situation in China and Tibet would improve. They made many promises to the whole world to grant more freedoms, democracy and other basic rights. They were only awarded the Games because they made these promises. However, after they were awarded the Games, there has been no greater freedom or democracy and repression is getting stronger and stronger.


DW talks to camera: The Chinese are saying that they have made so many improvements in Tibet. But we don’t see any improvement at all. Tibetans are forcibly relocated. Nomads are not allowed to graze their cattles in the pastures. Are such tight controls an improvement? No! Under the pretext of setting up civilised cities, many Tibetans are forced to relocate. Such buildings look nice from the outside and outsiders may think that the Tibetans are treated very well and that they are happy. But the truth is that Tibetans are not free to speak of their suffering.


Man sitting in the fields: The Chinese say that if Tibetans live high up in the mountains it’s not convenient transport wise and makes life difficult and, for example, makes it hard for children to go to school. That’s the kind of thing they say. That’s what they say but it’s really not right. The reason why they don’t say the truth is because our land is very valuable and rich in natural resources. Because they want these resources, they use nice words and cheat us, like you’ d cheat children, to make us move.

