【禁闻】世行警告 中国不改革 经济恐遭危机
















World Bank warns of China’s economic crisis if no reforms

The World Bank and some Development Research Center
staff from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) State Council
co-wrote an economic outlook report that gives warnings to
The report says China’s economy may have serious crisis by
2030 without fully reforming all state-owned enterprises.

The World Bank is expected to release the report “China 2030″
next week.
The report points out that if China does not conduct deep-
seated reforms, it may be facing an economic crisis.

“The Wall Street Journal" revealed that this report is intended
to influence the next generation of Chinese leaders.
It is also intended to challenge the Hu Jintao-led model
of economic development.

“The Wall Street Journal” said, according to the information
revealed by six people, who participated in the report writing
and audit, it targets some politically extremely sensitive
economic issues on Chinese politics to discuss.
The purpose is to have an impact on Chinese leaders of the
next generation.
The report also raised doubts about the economic development
model of CCP State President Hu Jintao over the past 10 years.

Xie Tian, professor of Aiken School of Business at University
of South Carolina in U.S.,
believes that the “World Bank" findings has limited impact
on the CCP autocratic regime.

Professor Xie Tian: “In fact, as the CCP regime, is so die-hard
and stubborn, it will continue on the authoritarian path.
Only pressure can change it. Either political pressure or
economic pressure is able to make the CCP regime change.
However, Western countries, including the World Bank and
others, seem unwilling to exert real pressure on the CCP.
If the World Bank can discuss China’s economic and sensitive
issues what impact it has on CCP leaders is also doubtful."

The report said the state-owned enterprises are ubiquitous in
China, including finance, energy, infrastructure, manufacturing,
real estate, communications and film and television culture.
They have become unique “national monopolies" in the world.

The state-owned enterprises in the mainland employ about 90%
of the working population, accounting for almost half the GDP.
State-owned enterprises get low-interest loans by public banks.

Criticized by the international community,
getting government subsidies in disguise.
This is one of the reasons for unfair competition of
state-owned and private enterprises.
State-owned enterprises speculate in real estate along with local
governments, obtaining profits through levy and selling land.
They do not maintain its operation through paying tax.

Financial columnist Liao Shiming analyzes, in the last decade
in China, the economy goes back,
and has reached the point of “state-owned enterprises forward,
private enterprises backwards".
State-owned enterprises have under the policy accumulated an
abundance of natural resources and funding.
They are squeezing the environment of the private enterprises.

Liao Shiming said that the concept of “state-owned enterprises”
means the sate owns the enterprises.
All of them use the behavior of the commercial market to run.
So it becomes “dignitary capitalism", like “crony capitalism".

Financial columnist Liao Shiming: “CCP government officials
and business owners, have formed a community of interests.
It is difficult to separate them. This matter is now put forward.
It is not just an issue of economic development.
It actually touched the problem of the political system in
China, the power source of the whole Chinese society."

Liao Shiming also said the loans that China’s private sector can
get from the banks are only 20% of total bank loans in China.
In other words, the private sector can only get very little
financial support and policy support.

Liao Shiming Financial columnist: “precisely the government
officials, we do not say government officials,
we say those legislators, law enforcement officers, supervisors,
business owners, and some so-called academic experts.
They have formed a community of interests. They protect
the interests of the Community.
This community of interests relate to the power of CCP,
involving each official’s wealth.
So it is not to be moved at all. To move a hair will pull the
whole body."

Xie Tian pointed out that “China’s economy is going towards
collapse” has been proposed a decade ago.
In the last two years, more economic experts noted the same
possibility. Liao Shiming also said that this is not a simple economic problem.
He said that if the CCP authorities do not change the system,
no amount of advice will make any difference.

NTD Reporters Liang Xin, Huang Rong and Zhou Tian
