【禁闻】中国外汇储备余额近4万亿美元 是喜是忧?


















采访编辑/唐音 后制/周天

CCP Sitting on Almost $4 Trillion USD in Foreign Reserves. Why?

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) State Council
Information Office recently released the 2013 financial statistics.
China’s foreign exchange reserve is nearly $4 trillion USD.

Economists regard foreign exchange reserves as a
two-edged sword, more is not necessarily better.

CCP State Council Information Office held a press conference
on January 15, 2014 on the 2013 financial statistics.

People’s Bank Survey & Statistics Secretary Sheng Songcheng:

“At the end of December 2013, the country’s foreign exchange
balance was $3.82 trillion,
an increase of $509.7 billion over the previous year."

China’s foreign exchange reserve has four parts:

First, huge trade surplus,
Second, substantial increase of foreign direct investment,
Third, sustained increase of foreign loans,
Fourth, “hot money" led by expected RMB appreciation.

When foreign exchange reserves reached $3.7 trillion
China’s State Administration of Foreign Currency
Secretary Yi Gang said:

when foreign exchange reserve exceeds a certain amount,
the marginal cost is greater than marginal revenue.
Then,further increase is uneconomical.

Beijing Normal University MBA instructor, economic columnist
Duan Shaoyi:
“This is a stupid and wrong decision.
The advantage of international trade is to have each country
as the market, play everyone’s strengths and break even.

If you do not buy with your money,
then money becomes a pile of paper.
And you give the wealth to others."

A large foreign exchange reserve can ensure market stability.
But too much reserve increases the pressure of RMB appreciation.
Alleviate the pressure of RMB appreciation by increasing
the money supply or lowering interest rates.
The already extremely loose monetary market will become
too loose, and will stimulate the domestic asset market bubble.
There are many negative effects.

Peiking University Professor and China’s Economist Li Yining
also publicly stated that foreign exchange reserve is not the more
the better. The key is to use it!

Duan Shaoyi said China’s foreign exchange reserve now
is mostly in U.S. banks and is used to buy U.S. Treasury bonds,
China has a large number of private small business
that cannot get loans at this time.
Public records indicates that U.S. Treasury bonds
bought by China surpassed $1.3 trillion.

Beijing’s Internal reference Chief Researcher Gong Shengli said
Western currency is managed by an independent committee.
He said that the U.S. and the European Union do not have
a monetary mechanism controlled by a political party.
They do not have the right to control monetary resources.

Gong Shengli: “In China it is different.
Chinese RMB started on October 1, 1948
and has been circulating for 65 years.

It has always been controlled by the Party.
China’s Central Bank is the People’s Bank.
But it’s only a show.

It only provides the authorities with suggestions.
It has no authority to make decisions.”

The Beijing authorities for years were trying to force
Western countries to admit China is a market economy,
but the U.S. and Europe refused to admit it.

Gong Shengli pointed out the key people
who manipulate China’s Foreign exchange reserve.

Gong Shengli: “CCP’s manipulation is based on
whether it is good for the CCP or not.
Banks report to the CPP Political Bureau of seven members.
In the past there were nine members.
They decide either to go up or down, etc.”

On January 15, Shenzhen University professor and economist
Guo Shiping wrote on his microblog:
The cause of this situation are the restrictions caused by the system.

In the past, we did not have enough foreign exchange.
Money came from enterprises. Export revenues were handed to
the State.Companies took Chinese RMB.

China’s current foreign exchange reserve is high.
We should change this policy,
allow enterprises to retain foreign exchange and
give foreign exchange to the people.

To resolve the issue of huge foreign exchange reserves,
China and foreign experts put forward various proposals.

Duan Shaoyi believes that the key is for
the authorities not to interfere with economy.

Duan Shaoyi: “Our Government should pay attention to this.

Government should not manage the market economy.
They should not be involved in the areas
that can be adjusted by the market.

Our Government also does not know how to manage the
economy. No other country’s government manages enterprises.
Enterprises should be managed by entrepreneurs. “

Duan Shaoyi stated that in Western countries,
the role of Government is to supplement market deficiencies
such as:

providing minimum living standards,
promoting compulsory education and medical insurance, etc.
In China the authorities have done just the opposite.

Interview & Edit/Tang Yin Post-Production/Zhou tan
