
【新唐人2011年2月8日讯】浙江乐清“钱云会案”是“交通事故”还是“蓄意谋杀”? 成为网路关注的焦点,各种质疑和“阴谋论”持续不断。中共官方媒体新华社,将钱云会之死引发的网路民意,归咎于“网路水军”制造谣言,而观察人士认为官媒集体讨伐“网路水军”,是新一轮网路管制行动的先发阵容。







《南都网》的网友留言说:“现在的政府不值得信任,地球人都知道”;“宁信其有 也不信政府”;“不相信ZF(政府)是每个公民应有的权利!”



Whether the Qian Yunhui Case is a “traffic accident” or “murder” has become an online focus, with all kinds of questions and “conspiracy theories.”
China’s official Xinhua News Agency blamed the online public opinions sparked by Qian’s death on rumors fabricated by the “online marine.” Analysts believe, this is indicative of the onset of a new round of Internet censorship.

The death of Qian Yunhui in Yueqing, Zhejiang, is officially declared as a case of traffic accident.However, the public are not convinced.The online public opinions consider it a murder.On Feb. 5, Xinhua News published an article
“Beware of Internet marketers’ Misleading Opinions,” accusing the “Online marine” of stirring up trouble.

“Online marine” became the target of the official media attacks. It is described by the authorities as those that are hired to speculate a topic or a figure for propaganda, marketing or offensive purposes.

Zhao Guojun, editor-in-chief of Chinese Lawyers Observation Network questioned the concept “marine”: This is a concept of opposition.If citizens and netizens are the inciting marine, aren’t authorities that hold power and accuse us of
occupying the Internet more like “marine”?

There are estimated 450 million Chinese netizens,among them, over 300 million mobile users.Many recent unrests in China were spread both domestically and abroad via the Internet and emerging online new media, which unprecedentedly defies the official censorship on speech and the Internet.

Analysts believe, the official media’s attack on “online marine” is the start of a new round of censorship.

Huang Tianliang, ex-editor-in-chief of Baixing magazine: The authorities did some propaganda before enhancing the online censorship, but they underestimated the power of the Internet. It provides us citizens with a press space.
This is a good thing. It is also the history’s advancement. Nobody can suppress and block this.

Some web post said: “The current government in China is untrustworthy.This is known to everybody on this planet.”“I would rather believe (it is a murder) than what the government says.” “Not trusting the government is every citizen’s right!”

Some others believe, the main purpose of online censorship is to control sensitive political speeches.Zhao Guojun said, online remarks have the power
to propagate issues. It indicates the abnormality of the environment.Why do people choose to believe in online opinions, not in the government? That’s the critical issue.

NTD reporters Qing Yue and Shang Yan
