【禁闻】“煽动颠覆”治罪 谁在违法?















“Inciting Subversion": Who is violating the Law?

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) sentenced several
human rights defenders for “inciting subversion of state power."
These sentences attracted international media attention,
as well as criticism by the UN Human Rights Office.
CCP’s mouthpieces published editorial rebuttals, but lawyers said
CCP is violating the law by punishing human rights defenders.
According to the Chinese Constitution, citizens have the freedom
to associate, freedom of assembly, and freedom to express their opinion.

Chen Xi, a Guizhou 57-year-old human rights activist,

was sentenced to 10 years in prison for “inciting
subversion of state power" on December 26th.

Chen Wei, a Sichuan activist who wrote online, was sentenced
to 9 years in prison by Suining Intermediate Court on December 23th for “inciting subversion of state power."

CCP’s mouthpiece “Xinhua News Agency" announced on its
English website on December 16th that rights Lawyer Gao Zhisheng,
who has been missing for over 20 months, was sentenced
by the court to execute a 3 year jail sentence because he violated the terms of probation many times.

The United Nations Human Rights Office issued a statement
on December 26th,
criticizing CCP for again imprisoning human rights defenders
who are promoting Chinese democracy.
The statement said the trend of CCP suppressing human
rights defenders and freedom of expression shocked people.
Many western media reported this event including BBC,
Deutsche Welle, Voice of America, and Radio Free Asia.

Another CCP mouthpiece “Global Times" published
an editorial on December 29th.
It expressed dissatisfaction with the western media’s
comments and UN’s criticism.

“Inciting subversion of state power" has been used by CCP to
detain dissidents for years.
Wang Tiancheng, a Chinese constitutional scholar, pointed out
that Article 35 of the Constitution defines clearly that
Chinese citizens have the freedom of speech, publishing,
assembly, parading and demonstration.
However, paragraph 2, Article 105 of Criminal Law abolished
these rights.

Liu Yinquan, chairman of the Central Committee of China’s
“Social Democratic Party" says that it’s the CCP who violates the law.

Liu Yinquan: “Originally China’s constitution stipulated that
citizens have the freedom of speech, assembly and association.
These are basic human rights that Chinese had many years ago.
It’s not inciting subversion of state power.
So, CCP using this excuse to charge people is completely
a trumped-up charge, and is irrational."

Chen Xi was put into jail for 10 years in 1995 because
he proposed petitioning for redress of grievances of “June 4th".
This year, he was arrested again because he transferred
articles that advocate democracy.
The CCP regime said his article contains content
which incites subversion.

Chen Wei was sentenced to jail for 5 years in 1992 because
he set up the “China Liberal Democratic Party" and other organizations in Beijing.
After his release, he became involved in setting up
the Sichuan “Democratic Party".
Last February, he was detained and then arrested by CCP for
inciting subversion of state power.

Li Heping, a Beijing Lawyer: “(inciting subversion of state power),
itself is illegal, this article is a crime.
So, if the authority uses this article to pursue a Chinese citizen
for his words and thoughts, I think it’s wrong.
In other words, the regime is violating Chinese Constitution."

Liu Yinquan said the so-called"inciting subversion of state power"
is a law shield that CCP uses to maintain the one-party dictatorship.

NTD Reporters: Tang Rui and Xiao Yu.
