【禁闻】耿和:高智晟活着见人 死了见尸







高智晟律师是因为在2005年间,向胡锦涛等中共领导人写信,要求停止迫害法轮功,而遭到逮捕、判刑、绑架和长期失踪。在高智晟失踪期间,他的妻子耿和与儿女也遭受国保的监控和骚扰。 2009年3月,耿和带着儿女逃离中国,来到美国旧金山。










Geng He: I want to see Gao Zhisheng, whether alive or dead.

Lawyer Gao Zhisheng is called the “Conscience of China”.

He has suffered secret kidnapping and torture for a long time
at the hands of Chinese national security police.
Recently, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) announced he
will be put into Shaya prison in Xinjiang province for 3 years.
The prison didn’t allow relatives to visit him.

His wife, Geng He told NTD that she felt Gao may have been
persecuted to death.
She asked the authorities to give an explanation of
Gao Zhisheng’s status.
To show him “alive and appear in public, [or in] death wants
to see corpse”.

Shaya prison banned Gao Zhisheng’s family from visiting,
on the excuse that he doesn’t want to see his family.
In addition, there is a three month education period.

Geng He, Gao’s wife has called the prison continuously,
but nobody answers the phone.

Geng He: “We feel that he may be in an unexpected status,
may be persecuted to death.
CCP can’t give an explanation to the family, and use this as
an excuse. As family members, we only can think like this.
The prison didn’t allow us to visit, didn’t allow us to see
whether he is inside or not.
They didn’t allow us to visit, and didn’t provide any
evidence to show he is inside.”

Jiang Tianyong, a Chinese human rights lawyer said,
it’s illegal to ban the family visit.
Mo Shaoping, Lawyer Gao’s attorney, thought it can’t be
verified that Gao doesn’t want to see his family.

In addition, Mo’s law firm checked all the Chinese laws.

He found there are no regulations stating a three month
education period, nor a regulation restricting family visiting.

Lawyer Gao Zhisheng wrote a letter to President Hu Jintao
and other CCP officials in 2005.
He asked them to stop the persecution to Falun Gong.

He was then arrested, sentenced, kidnapped and disappeared
under force for the long-term.
During his disappearance, his wife Geng He and his children
were monitored and harassed by national security.
In March 2009, Geng He fled China and arrived in
San Francisco, U.S., together with their children.

All Geng He can do now is to check the information
about Gao via their relatives in China.
But all the relatives are under heavy pressure by CCP.
The CCP didn’t allow them to talk about Gao.

Hu Jia, a Chinese activist spoke to Sound of Hope Radio.

The order that didn’t allow relatives to visit Gao Zhisheng
came from the CCP Central Politics and Law Committee.

Hu Jia: “The prison is in violation of law.

To speak more explicit, it’s not the prison that is in violation,
but the decision group which ordered the prison.
It’s very clear that this decision group is not in Aksu region,
it’s not in Xinjiang province.
The root is in Beijing, the fundamental root that
controls Lawyer Gao is in Beijing.
It’s not only the Beijing Politics and Law Committee, but
also the CCP’s Central Politics and Law Committee.”

It’s not rare in China that the prison banned the relative’s
visit with an excuse of the “inmate” didn’t want to see them.

According to the report on “Minghui Net," the Shandong
women prison sent 61 year-old Liang Sue,
and 55 year-old Liang Fengming from an older team to
a youth team, and forced them to work 20 hours everyday.
When their family visited then, the prison didn’t allow it
with an excuse that they don’t want to see them.

In January 2009, Falun Gong practitioner Li Zhimin
was illegal arrested.
She was placed in Kaiping labor camp, which is located in
Tangshan, Hebei province.
When her family tried to visit her, the prison brought her
into a separate office and beat her.
After she had fainted, the police told her family that
she didn’t want to see them.

Geng He hopes more media take an interest in Lawyer Gao’s
status, and help her find the truth from the CCP authority.
She said no matter what the status of Gao,
she wants him to be shown in public if he is alive, She wants to see the corpse if he has died.

NTD Reporters: Li Yun, Li Mingfei and Xiao Yan
