





《纽约时报》2009年4月30号报导,由法轮功学员主导的“全球互联网自由联盟”(Global Internet Freedom Consortium,GIFC)开发的破网软件,让“伊朗人及其他人士智破网络审查”。











采访编辑/李韵 后制/孙宁

Chinese Netizens “Leap Over the Wall” to Read Bo Xilai’s Case

The Wang Lijun Incident triggered Bo Xilai’s collapse,
as the world is shown the thrilling drama of the Chinese Communist Party(CCP)’s infighting.
But with the CCP’s internet blockade, monitoring and post
removals, Chinese netizens must “leap over the wall”.
Anti-censorship software is helping netizens
to access China’s true, uncensored news.
The CCP touted that “rumors” about Bo Xilai’s case
were always confirmed as truth later.
This provoked the Chinese people to look at the whole story
and now Chinese see a boom among netizens who seek true news in China by leaping over the internet fire wall.

Taiwan’s China Times published a freelance article, titled:
“Learn the Truth About Bo Xilai By Leaping Over The Wall”.
The internet is considered dreadful by mainland Chinese
rulers, who have restlessly found ways to control it.
Foreign websites have been the primary official ban, while
Chinese web messages have also been strictly censored with huge amounts of dissent postings removed.”

China Times praised the Chinese netizens’ wisdom
in facing the regime’s tight internet censorship.
Ways to unblock China’s web restrictions have been
found, said the article.

Hu Jun, sponsor of the Human Rights Campaign in China
says, technology experts among Falun Gong practitioners
opened the cage confining the Chinese people, helping them
to see the real outside world and know the CCP’s evil nature.

Hu Jun: “Now the main anti-censorship software are those
developed by Falun Gong practitioners.
“The dove”, i.e. “Free gate “, “Ultra Surf”, and others—
All these are familiar to Chinese netizens.
“Using this software, netizens want to get information about
China’s political trend in the future and to know the truth."

On April 30, 2009, New York Times reported on the software
developed by Global Internet Freedom Consortium (GIFC).
GIFC—created by Falun Gong practitioners—make software
that allows “Iranians and others outwit net censors”.

The report reveals that each week Chinese netizens receive
10million emails and 70 million instant messages from GIFC.
The messages offer anti-censorship software, helping them
to bypass the official censorship to reach blocked sites.

The programs allow Chinese netizens to “leap over the wall”
to surf Western media websites, such as the Epoch Times
Newspaper, NTDTV, Sound of Hope Radio, among others—
hits on these websites are growing at a surprising rate.

Cyber writer Zan Aizong reflects that, Chinese netizens have
invented clever, effective ways to evade posting removals and to stop the filtering of “sensitive words".

Zan Aizong: “For example, the CCP Politburo members’
names are all sensitive words.
If your micro-blog posting includes a name, the official filter
may keep your message out of the micro-blog service.
Netizens alter their ways of expressions, like writing
“Chongqing” (West-Red-City in Chinese) as “tomato”.
This is because Chongqing is located in southwest China,
local authorities launched a red-song singing campaign, and it’s a municipality.”

Another example is shown in a recent rumor that :
“Zhou Yongkang was caught by Wen Jiabao."
In the netizens’ language, the news said:
“I heard that Master Kang has been off the shelf, sacked by
antenna baby (baby sounds like ‘Baobao’ in Chinese)”.

With the news released over Bo Xilai’s ouster and his wife
Gu Kailai’s arrest on suspicion of murder,
netizens concluded that “the globalization
has really come”. Why?

A posting of Li Chengpeng, commentator in China, said:
“I heard the latest story—a Singaporean (referring to Gu
Kailai, with Singaporean citizenship) poisoned a Briton, and
a Chinese (Wang Lijun) ran to Americans to report the case.
A crowd of kinfolk of foreigners (the CCP officials)
arrested an Oxford schoolboy’s father (referring to Bo Xilai).
This is a murder which took place in China without any
Chinese involved, so we “background actors of Chinese nationality” really needn’t be burned with indignation."

Zan Aizong says, in this way, netizens’ descriptions can be
understood by others and their postings left alone as well.

Zan Aizong: “This phenomenon shows that China
hasn’t been opened up in practice.
The opening up shouldn’t be limited only to the economic area,
but should be in politics and in the freedom of speech too.
Only by really opening up can things constructive to China
be voiced, with normal evaluation and criticism.
And at that time, this society can become normal.”

Hu Jun says the internet has played an important part in
exposing the CCP’s political darkness and its media’s lies.
The CCP’s techniques of IP Blockage, content filtering, etc.
will soon disintegrate, Hu Jun predicts.
