【禁闻】薄熙来涉杀政敌 北京传其三宗罪













采访/梁欣 编辑/李谦 后制/李月

Bo Xilai Involved in Political Murders

Recently, British media reported that Bo Xilai and his wife
were engaged in many political murders, including planning and implementing the famous airplane crash in Dalian.
Another source indicate that Bo Xilai’s three major crimes
are spread in the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist party (CCP).
They include political ambition, corruption,
and political murder.
Outside commentators propose what Hu and Wen can do,
if they want to avoid future revenge by political enemies.
They must go beyond the internal CCP struggle and announce
Bo Xilai’s crimes against human rights, thus making it a case with a historic significance.

On May 7, 2002, an airplane from Beijing to Dalian fell in
the ocean near Dalian, causing the death of all 112 people.

Recently, HK’s Oriental Daily quoted a report of U.K.’s
Daily Mail on the Dalian crash victims.
One of them was Li Yanfeng, Special Assistant to Personnel
Division of China’s Ministry of Public Security.
Her husband, Han Xiaoguang, was very close with
the then Dalian Municipal CCP Secretary and Ministry of Propaganda Dong Changhai.
Both were Bo Xilai’s mortal enemies.

The official report back then stated that the crash was due to
passenger Zhang Peilin’s arson of fraud insurance premiums.
Commentator Jiang Weiping quoted Dalian sources
that Zhang Peilin was a secret police, and worked closely with Bo Xilai and Gu Kailai.
Zhang Peilin was likely a scapegoat
and did not know about the petrol bottles.
The target of the attack was Li Yanfeng, who had influence
in Beijing, which was perceived as a threat by Bo’s couple.

Recent news indicate the CCP’s top circle spreads Bo’s three
crimes: political ambitions, corruption and political murder.
As it became known, Wang Lijun’s two subordinates
were killed by folks of Bo Xilai.

Commentator Chen Pokong pointed out that many
CCP officials have economic or criminal crimes.
So to convict Bo Xilai on these charges alone
is likely to lead to doubts or rebound.
But despite this, the CCP leadership still has
sufficient reasons to dispose of Bo Xilai.

Chen Pokong: “To build up a local power like Bo Xilai did,
and to set up another central committee with Zhou Yongkang, are not actions tolerated by the CCP discipline.”

Chen Pokong thinks Hu and Wen’s largest issue
is to break through Zhou Yongkang’s obstruction.
They should go beyond internal struggle
and seek for help from the people.

Chen Pokong: “For example, they can rehabilitate
Hu Yaobang, then have vindication of Zhao Ziyang.
If these two issues are resolved, according to their words
they can have the vindication of June 4th and Falun Gong.
Then they can resolve issues related to Hong Kong, Taiwan,
Tibet and Xinjiang, and thus get out of international isolation.”

News commentator Wen Zhao pointed out,
that from the death of Heywood to the current three crimes,
if the news were deliberately spread, then this means
the CCP high level intents to increase the severity of the case.
Wen Zhao thinks that for their own safety and to avoid
revenge when out of power, Hu and Wen must step out of the top CCP circle and make of this a historic case.

Wen Zhao: “The only way to break out of this is to publish
Bo Xilai and Zhou Yongkang’ crimes against humanity.
Especially their brutal persecution
against Falun Gong in the last decade.
Hu and Wen are able to get the information.
Once those are exposed, the society will have no objection.
Once they publish the evidence to the world, there will be
no objection on how they handle Bo and Zhou.”

Wen Zhao pointed out that Hu and Wen are concerned about
CCP’s collapse once Bo Xilais’crime of live organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners is exposed.
In fact, the judgment upon the communist regime
is a current grand historic trend.
Hu and Wen should use these opportunities to follow
Heaven’s and people’s will, as to ensure their own future.
