【禁闻】以陈克贵要胁陈光诚 赴美后低调




三周前,被长期非法软禁的陈光诚出逃后,临沂双堠镇官员带人翻墙闯入他的大哥陈光福家中报复,殴打并抓走陈光福后,又殴打陈光福的妻子和儿子陈克贵,陈克贵以菜刀反击,却被中共当局控告他“故意杀人罪”遭逮捕,大陆各地十多名律师自愿为他代理案件,但多人受到当局威胁阻扰。 5月16号,受陈克贵妻子刘芳委托处理这件案子的斯伟江律师前往临沂,但当局没有准许他与陈克贵会面。






有评论认为,周永康这次“落选” 极有可能是被排除在十八大代表之外,面临清算的预兆。

Chen Guangcheng required to keep low-profile upon entering US, due to being threatened with Chen Kegui’s case

Chinese blind activist Chen Guangcheng has gained access
to a passport service via local police assigned to help with his particular case.
If nothing unusual happens, Chen Guangcheng will be able
to arrive in US together with his family members, his wife and two children in late May at the earliest.
However, Chen Guangcheng’s nephew Chen Kegui, who acted
in self-defense upon being confronted by police due to Chen Guangcheng’s case, is still being detained by Linyi police.

According to Radio Free Asia’s news on May 16th,

the police from Shandong came to provide
Chen Guangcheng a service to apply for his passport;
at the same time, Chen Guangcheng is required
to keep low-profile after going abroad.
This would be in exchange for a lighter punishment
for his nephew Chen Kegui.

The report quoted sources who stated that Shandong police
told Chen Guangcheng that
the treatment to Chen Kegui will depend on Cheng
Guangcheng’s words and deeds after his arrival in the USA.
The police stated that from now on, they will continue
to observe Chen Guangcheng’s words and deeds and handle Chen Kegui’s case accordingly.
If Chen Guangcheng’s actions are different from the agreement,
they will sentence Chen Kegui heavily.
And the custody time of Chen Kegui will be match up
with the period of Chen Guangcheng’s stay in the US.

Three weeks ago, after Chen Guangcheng’s flee from
long-term illegal house arrest, the officials of Shuanghou
Town, Linyi, climbed over walls to break into the house
of Chen Guangfu, Chen Guangcheng’s brother.
After they beat and arrested Chen Guangfu, they also beat
his wife and his son, Chen Kegui.
In order to counterattack, Chen Kegui used a kitchen knife
to hurt them.
However, Chen Kegui was charged with “intentional
homicide" by CCP authority and arrested.
More than 10 lawyers in China voluntarily took his case,
most of whom were threatened and obstructed by the authorities.
On May 16th, lawyer Si Weijiang, who was commissioned
by Chen Kegui’s wife Liu Fang, went to Linyi,
but he was stopped from meeting Chen Kegui by the authority.

Recently, Chen Guangfu exposed the details of the torture
after his arrest.
However, according to the message that Chinese human
rights lawyer Jiang Tianyong post on Twitter,
the Linyi officials also threatened Chen Guangfu
with Chen Kegui’s case.
The officials said that because Chen Guangfu exposed
the torture after he was arrested on April 26th,
his son Chen Kegui will be sentenced heavily.
They don’t allow him to speak out about the torture
he suffered.

Zhou Yongkang is not on the delegate list of CCP 18th session election by Hebei

May 17th, Hebei Province announced the delegates list
of the CCP’s 18th session.
Zhou Yongkang, who was elected as delegate of CCP 17th
session of Hebei Province, was not on the list.
While the Bo Xilai and Wang Lijun incidents stirred
continuous negative rumors about Zhou Yongkang,
his absence from the election list leads to concern and
speculation from the outside world.
Some commentators believe that Zhou Yongkang may be
cleared out internally and be absent in CCP 18th session.

Political observers said that when high-ranking officials
of the CCP central government attend CCP sessions,
they may be representatives of CCP central government
or some national authorities.
They also may be assigned to the local delegates like CCP
General Secretary Hu Jintao.
Hu Jintao was earlier elected as Jiangsu representative
for the CCP 18th session.
There is also a possibility of Zhou Yongkang being
assigned to other delegates.
But according to usual principles, unless the serving
location changes, the generation place of CCP representatives seldom changes.
Therefore, Zhou Yongkang’s attendence in CCP 18th session
is still generated in Hebei Province.

But after the Wang Lijun and Bo Xilai incidents, rumors
of Zhou Yongkang facing political difficulties have been ongoing.
From Zhou Yongkang’s seriously differing opinion of dealing
with Bo Xilai than other CCP top officials,
the “coup” after Bo Xilai’s removal from his position,
to the transfer of Zhou Yongkang’s power disclosed recently by British “Financial Times",
all of this signals that Zhou Yongkang is in trouble.

Some commentators believe that Zhou Yongkang’s being
barred from election means most likely that he is excluded
from the representatives of CCP 18th session and is facing
the omen of liquidation.
