【禁闻】18大代表名单 政法委瘦身 黄薄切割




与此同时,上海第十次党代会22号闭幕,大会选出 73 名上海市出席十八大的代表,其中包括习近平和俞正声。政治局委员俞正声续任上海市委书记,而上海市政法委书记吴志明,不再连任市委常委。




吴建国:“ 这些都说明,胡温在通过地方选举清除异己,特别是江泽民的血债派,包括血债派的主要代表周永康,但是黄奇帆这样的人仍然当选,说明胡温在一些问题上还得和稀泥。”


章天亮:“ 黄奇帆将来这个事情,他跟薄熙来这么长时间以来,薄熙来干的这些坏事,包括薄熙来政变计划呀,我估计黄奇帆是不可能不知道的,还有他们说薄熙来当时想政变之后,让黄奇帆当总理吗?所以黄奇帆他将来的麻烦,有可能还会有,现在只是暂时不动他而已。”





采访编辑/常春 后制/黎安安

18th CCP National Congress Representatives List Shrinks; Huang Severs Ties with Bo

Chongqing has announced the list of representatives
to attend the 18th National Congress.
Chongqing Municipal Politics and Law Committee Secretary
Liu Guanglei was absent from the list, while Mayor Huang Qifan was on the list.
Shanghai representatives were also revealed along with
Politics and Law Committee Secretary in Shanghai
as missing from the list of Municipal Standing Committee.

Analysts believe that the list of the 18th National Congress
suggests Huang Qifan has severed ties with Bo Xilai
while the gradual reorganization of the power structure
is to cut the power of the Politics and Law Committee and to vacate Zhou Yongkang.

The Chongqing Municipal Party Committee Organization
Department announced on the 21st the primaries list for the 18th National Congress.
Among the 50-person list, the Chongqing Mayor Huang Qifan
was present while 6 members of the incumbent Municipal Committee
including Chongqing Municipal Law Committee Secretary
Liu Guanglei were missing from the list with the exception of Zhang Dejiang,
the interim Deputy Prime Minister of the Municipal Party Secretary,
who will be elected by the Delegation of the Central Organization.

Two of Bo Xilai’s cronies were not elected to
the Municipal Committee.
They are Xu Ming, the party secretary of the Two Rivers Area
and regarded as Bo Xilai’s “brains trust",
and He Sizhong, Chongqing Municipal Party Committee
Propaganda Minister and a faithful advocate of Bo Xilai’s “red theme" movement.

At the same time, in the recent Shanghai 10th Party Congress,
73 representatives of Shanghai were elected to attend the 18th National Congress.
Among them, there are Xi Jinping, and Yu Zhengsheng.

Yu Zhengsheng, a Politburo member, will continue to serve
as Shanghai Party Secretary,
while Wu Zhiming, Secretary of the Shanghai Politics and
Law Committee, will discontinue his Municipal Standing Committee post.

Commentator Ren Baiming indicates in an interview with NTD
following the Guangdong Province Politics and Law Committee
Secretary being removed from the newly elected Standing Committee,
the Politics and Law Committee Secretary was also missing
from the newly elected 12 Standing Committee of Shanghai.
It is obvious that the downgrading of the Politics and
Law Committee system and power representing Zhou Yongkang is becoming wide-spread.

Renbai Ming: “This is a new rule, a step-by-step strategy
Hu and Wen are employing to undermine the power of Zhou Yongkang of the Jiang faction.
We can see a gradual reorganization from the bottom of
the system, in which the Political and Law Commission
have lost access to the Standing Committee and
thus Zhou Yongkang is becoming isolated,
as presented by both Guangdong and Shanghai
since both used to be the bases of the Jiang faction."

Internet writer Wu Jianguo also indicates that it is easy to see
that some of Bo’s cronies have been eliminated;
observing the newly elected 50 candidates by Chongqing and
Zhou Yongkang no longer represents Hebei in the 18th National Congress.

Wu Jianguo: “All these have clearly suggested that
Hu and Wen are clearing dissidents in the local elections,
especially the bloody debts gang represented by Jiang Zemin
and Zhou Yongkang.
However, since people such as Huang Qifan are still elected,
it indicates that Hu and Wen are not so firm on some issues."

Commentator Zhang Tianliang believes that if both mayor
and party secretary were let go, it might cause too much stir and leave bad impressions.

Zhang Tianliang: “As for Huang Qifan, he has been with
Bo Xilai for a long time and surely knows Bo well,
including his coup plan. Huang Qifan got to know all about it.

Wasn’t Bo Xilai intending to have Huang Qifan
as the Prime Minister in his coup plan?
Huang Qifan will surely encounter further trouble in the future.
He’s only been left untouched temporarily."

However, some analysts believe the election of Chongqing
mayor Huang Qifan and
the Municipal Standing Committee Xu Jingye means
they have been severing ties with Bo’s case.
If Huang Qifan makes it to the Central Committee in
the 18th National Congress,
it signals Huang’s political career stays put,
disregarding Bo Xilai’s and Wang Lijun’s case.

Earlier, South China Morning Post reported that

in a Chongqing Municipal Standing Committee meeting
at the beginning of this year,
Bo decided to remove Wang Lijun’s chief position
in the public security bureau.
Huang Qifan had publicly questioned Bo if it’s necessary
to get the central leadership agreement and upset Bo Xilai.
However, Epoch Times commented that this report might
have been deliberately made available by Huang’s supporter.

Wu Jianguo: “Huang Qifan and Bo Xilai have worked
together in Chongqing for a long time.
Huang must have known and participated in some of
Bo Xilai’s plans. There are many problems of uncertainty.
For example, will Hu and Wen be able to completely
eliminate the bloody debts gang? Will the bloody debts gang sit and wait?
Are Hu and Wen still taking the default of black-box
operations to determine the candidates?
Is the election just for a show? I believe there is nothing new
about the 18th National Congress elections.
The candidates are determined based on balancing interests."

Wu Jianguo also indicates not only the ordinary Chinese,

but also the Chinese Communist Party members have no way
of participating in these personnel arrangements.
We will just wait and see
if Hu and Wen will realize true democracy,
return political power to the people, or continue to maintain
the CCP’s autocratic system.
