【禁闻】香港警察必需学“三个代表” 洗脑?






张成觉: “实际上,一句话,无非就是中共当局利用这个来使香港大陆化,因为好多活动你比如说,纪念六四吧,或者是市民到中联办外去示威抗议啦,他们警察都要出动了,对警察这个洗脑就是说显然非常必要了,在北京当局来看,这是很自然的一个举措。”




张成觉 “我们现在好多事情是没有办法来力挽狂澜,不可能抗衡北京的做法,但是最低限度要把它们做的事情里面所包涵的意味要提醒大家,对于无论香港市民也好,或者对于大陆的民众也好,他们的觉醒是非常的需要的。”




采访编辑/李韵 后制/萧宇

Revealed Hong Kong Police Study Jiang’s “Three Represents” in Textbook

Recently, it was revealed online that former CCP’s president
Jiang Zemin’s theory of “Three Represents” was included in the textbook of Hong Kong’s Police College.
The CCP’s political framework is also required
for students to study.
Hong Kong analysts pointed out that, by taking such
a measure the CCP has tried to brainwash Hong Kong police so as to follow Beijing’s regime.

Hong Kong’s South China Morning Post reported
on July 11th that,
over 900 document files mostly regarding Hong Kong’s police
were recently uploaded to Google Docs, an online file share system.
Most of them were first revealed through another file share
system called Foxy between 2008 and 2011.
This time they were uploaded again to Google Docs.

Among latest uploaded documents, Police College’s
textbook s used in 2006 were included.
These files revealed that students were required to study
former CCP president Jiang Zemin’s theory of “Three Represents”.
The textbook also promotes the CCP’s political framework
and claims that “Taiwan is a part of China to be united”.

President of Hong Kong Police Inspectors’ Association
(HKPIA), Ben Tsang claimed that,
it was normal for Hong Kong’s police staff to learn
the CCP’s political system.

However, former Hong Kong United Daily News editor
Zhang Chengjue remarked that,
the textbook indicated how the CCP authority influence
Hong Kong’s police ideologically;
this could affect personal judgments between right and wrong,
and could also produce political biases in students’ minds.

(Zhang Chengjue): ”In one word, the CCP is trying to turn
Hong Kong into the mainland’s puppet regime.
There are activities such as commemorating June 4th incident

and protesting in front of the Central Government Liaison
Office which Hong Kong’s police need to watch.
So it’s necessary to brainwash the police staff.
From the CCP’s point of view this is a natural move.”

As the 15th anniversary of Hong Kong’s handover
came this July 1st,
400,000 Hong Kong residents demonstrated in protest at
the CCP’s attempt to control Hong Kong’s politics,
this denies the policy of “One Country, Two systems”
and a high degree of autonomy.

Hong Kong Human Rights Monitor also criticized the fact
Hong Kong’s police was playing a deplorable role in serving
political suppression and violating freedom of the press.

The organization pointed out that Hong Kong police were
turning into the CCP’s public security forces,
and called on them not to become accomplices in
destroying Hong Kong’s freedom.

Zhang Chengjue remarked that, although Hong Kong
residents felt very dissatisfied with many of the CCP’s actions, they could not change much.

(Zhang Chengjue): ”Currently we are not able to change
the situation for many issues.
It’s not possible to resist the CCP’s decision making.

However, at least we could remind everyone about
the meaning of the CCP’s every move.
It is important for both Hong Kong residents and
the mainland population to be awakened.”

Hong Kong political commentator Cheng Xiang pointed out
that, Hong Kong police had been studying CCP materials since the handover in 1997.

(Cheng Xiang):”What’s important is how the textbook
describes the “Three Represents”.
If it describes the theory as a good one then
it’s really a problem.
Since 1997, the CCP extended the “education of national
condition” to the whole Hong Kong society,
such as sending government employees to
Tsinghua University or Peking University.
All they learned there was about the political framework
in China ‘s mainland.”

Hong Kong’s council member Leung Kwok-hung told
Deutsche Welle that,
Hong Kong’s police being trained by the CCP’s ideologies
indicated that
Hong Kong’s government was destroying the policy
of “One Country, Two Systems” in many ways.
Leung believes that the news will shock Hong Kong society.

He further said that as a council member he would pay close
attention to this issue and
that it was also possible for Hong Kong residents to request
publicizing of the contents of the textbook.
