【禁闻】三次否决制裁叙利亚 中俄抱团过冬











周阳:“ 我觉得砸的好!这说明叙利亚人民越来越清醒的认识到,中共政府是叙利亚人民的假朋友,不是真朋友。在这么大一个问题上,他们不顾人民的死活,而非要顾及一个政权的存在。”





伍凡: “中共希望把美国的力量拖到中东去,把美国的军事力量或外交力量拖住,增加它的麻烦,减少美国对中共的压力。这是他们的打算。俄国也同样,不想把叙利亚(政府)最后一个朋友放弃掉。”


采访/陈汉 编辑/王子琦 后制/朱娣

China & Russia Hold Together and Veto Sanctions Against Syria Three Times

The Chinese and Russian regimes vetoed the UN sanctions
against Syria resolution which caused the resolution to fail.
This is the third time that Chinese and Russian governments
jointly vetoed the resolution.
The first time was last October 4, and the second was
on February 4.
The world slammed the veto, but the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) is still chicanery.
Commentators analyzed that there’s very few dictatorships
in the world after the “Arab Spring” anti-dictatorship wave.
Facing a stronger force of justice, Chinese and Russian
governments are trying their best to survive as long as possible.

On July 19, Chinese and Russian regimes vetoed
the UN sanctions resolution against Syria.
Pakistan and South Africa abstained in voting, and the other
11 members of the UN Security Council voted in favor.

William Hague, the British Foreign Secretary, criticized that
China and Russia betrayed Syrian people when Syria
is in its “darkest moments”, and the decision of China
and Russia is “inexcusable and indefensible.”
Susan Rice, the U.S. permanent representative to U.N., said
there’s one day before tens of thousands people are killed, China and Russia can stop harboring al-Assad.
Gerard Araud, the France permanent representative to U.N.,
condemned China and Russia for disregarding Syrian’s lives.

There’s data showing that since the protest against al-Assad’s
regime began in March 2011, about 17 thousand Syrians were killed.

A Chinese netizen: “The reason why CCP supports centralized
authoritarian government is nothing more than it doesn’t want anyone to condemn it when it starts to kill Chinese.
I think any anti-humanity crimes by any authoritarian
must be condemned.”

Zhou Yang, an independent commentator, pointed out
that after the “Arab Spring", there are very few authoritarians in the world.

Zhou Yang: ”That’s why the several authoritarians hold
together, warm themselves up, and try to get through winter.
Their vetoes accelerate the exacerbation of Syria’s situation.

By doing this, I think the CCP regime owe a blood debt
to Syrian people.
With China and Russia’s support, the Syrian government
is daring to be so arrogant.”

On July 19, online news said that the China Embassy in Syria
was surrounded by Syrian people who defaced the building.
There’s been no official confirmation, however, many Chinese
netizens support the Syrian’s action.

Chinese netizen: “Syrian people have the right to express
their anger. They defaced the Chinese Embassy, I support them.
If this disaster happened in China, and Syria supported
the authoritarians to massacre Chinese, I would smash the Syrian Embassy as well.”

Some netizens said: ”CCP is an enemy gang
along with al-Assad.”

Zhou Yang: “I think it’s a good smash!

It shows that Syrians are more and more clear that
CCP government is a fake friend of the Syrian people.
It doesn’t care about the Syrian people’s life,
but takes care of the existence of its regime.”

Facing criticism, Li Baodong, the China permanent
representative to U.N., said on July 19 that
the content of the resolution that was initiated by U.K.
and U.S. has a lack of content and is unbalanced.
He went on to say that It’s only implementing unilateral
pressure, its completely contrary to Kofi Annan’s effort,
and is contrary to the target of the Geneva communiqué.

Li Baodong also claimed that some countries are keen
to interfere with others’ internal affairs, and are stirring up the trouble.

Wu Fan, current affairs’ commentator:
“(Li Baodong’s words) are complete nonsense.
The reason the British initiated this proposal
is to support (Kofi) Annan.
(Li Baodong) said it’s unfair. But what is fair?
Not using weapons and not launching a war is fair?
Only allowing yourself to use weapons, tanks and helicopters
to fight the opposition is fair?”

Wu Fan pointed out that Annan’s proposal is asking al-Assad
to withdraw heavy weapons from the military bases in the capital, and to stop the killing.
The U.N. resolution is implementing Annan’s plan.

Wu Fan analyzed that the focus of China and Russia
is not Syria, but a larger scope.

Wu Fan: “CCP wants to drag U.S. forces to the Middle East,
to hold the military forces and diplomatic power of U.S.
CCP is making the trouble for the U.S., which relieves
pressure on CCP itself.
That’s its plan. Russia is the same.
It doesn’t want to give up its last friend, Syria.”

Some Chinese netizens emotionally questioned the CCP’s
abnormal behavior of always standing on the opposite side of the majority and running counter to mainstream society.
