【禁闻】日警登钓鱼岛 中方抗议 台湾游行


9月21号,台湾“大瀚711号”工作平台船悬挂“保卫钓鱼台(岛) ”、“钓鱼台是我们的”等标语,前往钓鱼岛海域。在进入钓鱼岛海域25海里时,日本保安厅船只靠近,对“大瀚711号”前后包夹并提出警告,期间台湾“海巡署”和星舰则一路护航,台日船只并没有发生对峙和碰撞。












采访/易如 编辑/李谦 后制/王明宇

Japanese Landed on Diaoyu Islands, China and Taiwan Protests

On September 23, Taiwanese people held protests against
Japan, and defending their ownership of the Diaoyu Islands.
On September 21, a Taiwanese boat entered waters
around Diaoyu (Senkaku) Islands, to claim their ownership.
Meanwhile, Japanese patrol vessels came to monitor them.

The Japanese Coast Guard declared that in order
to prevent Taiwanese from landing in Diaoyu Islands,
they sent dozens of police to land in the Islands.

Unusually, China’s media remains silent about these events.

However, the Chinese Foreign Ministry issued a statement
once again to condemn Japanese government’s behavior.

On September 21, the Taiwanese platform supply ship
Ta Han 711 approached the waters of Diaoyu (Senkaku) Islands.
It had banners with Chinese wording saying,
“Protect Diaoyu Islands” and “Reclaim Diaoyu Islands”.
When the ship reached 25 nautical miles from
the Islands waters, Japanese patrol ships arrived.
The Japanese ships moved between the islands
and the Ta Han 711 ship, and warned them.
Meanwhile, Taiwanese Coast Guards and the Ho Hsing
vessel escorted the Ta Han 711 all the way through.
There was no standoff between the two sides.

In the evening, Japanese Coast Guards Administration
sent dozens of police to Diaoyu Islands claiming to prevent the Taiwanese from landing.

Kino from Taiwan: “Everyone wants
to obtain resources from the Islands.
It was said that if the Japanese can own it, they will
have access to oil and mineral for many years.
As the Islands have rich natural resources, this
is the only reason that everyone wants to own them.”

However, this event of Japan sending police
to Islands wasn’t reported by Chinese media.
There was only a statement issued
by the China Foreign Ministry.
“Officially protest and talk to Japan.
China will continue to defend the sovereignty.”

This has triggered mockery among netizens.
A netizen questioned, “Where are the Chinese police?
Another netizen answered, “Chinese police
are engaging in demolition, and beating villagers.”

Some netizens doubt what the Chinese
coastguards ships were doing?
Why didn’t they stop the Japanese
landing in the Diaoyu Islands?

From September 15 to18, mainland China has been
host widespread nationwide anti-Japanese protests.
In the end, the protests became out of control and chaotic.

Shops selling Japanese products were smashed.
Chinese people driving Japanese cars were badly beaten.

These protests were reported to have been
manipulated by the Chinese Communist Party.
Some people stated that plain-clothes police led the rioting.

Later, the authorities used typical tactics, to remove
someone as soon as they have finished their work.
On September 22, Shenzhen police issued a public
notice stating that this a reward for catching 20 rioters.

Kino from Taiwan: “I believe it was
manipulated by the Chinese regime.
This is because the protests started and finished instantly.

Only Chinese authorities can have such power
to control a ‘riot’, as they can act very quickly.”

As disputes increasingly intensified over the Diaoyu Islands,

on September 22, Japanese right-wing groups
began to launched anti-Chinese protests.
It was estimated that a few thousand people took part.

It was the largest scale anti-China
protests since these events began.
Protesters walked to the Chinese Embassy in Tokyo,
and read protest letters in front of the Embassy building.

In Taiwan, on September 23, protests were held.
This was echoed by the new party,
the People’s First Party and New Alliance.
More than a thousand people participated.
The parade organizer said that if the Diaoyu Islands
were possessed by Japan,
not only will the fishermen lose fishing sites, but will
also influence Taiwan’s national defense strategy.

Jason Ma, Current Affairs Commentator: “At least
Taiwanese didn’t smash cars made in Japan.
Everyone joined the parade was rational.

This is a normal way in a democratic country
in which people express their opinions.
This indicated that Taiwan is mature country in this regard.”
