





北京独立学者吴稼祥也在微博中透露,哈佛大学汉学家傅高义(Ezra F.Vogel)撰写的《邓小平传》大陆简体字版,也获准再出版。此前,曾被要求全部删除的涉及“六四”的内容,现在也“只需删去1章”了。

广州民主人士怒击国保 全身而退

据《大纪元》新闻网报导,16号下午三点,二十多名大陆民主人士在广州人民公园相聚,遭到数名广州“国保”跟踪与监视。 “国保”要带走民主人士刘远东,还抢夺另一人的相机,引发当场所有人的抵制,其中一人挥拳打向“国保”抢相机的手,“国保”见激起众怒,放手躲到一边。




Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Sends Goodwill
Expression to Participants in Tiananmen Square Protest

Voice of America reported that recently, several intellectuals
who participated in the 1989Tiananmen Square protest
received goodwill expressions from the CCP.

Books related to the protest were approved
to publish almost all the content.

The report said that the CCP media Guangming Daily
told Beijing dissident Dai Qing
they wanted to process her pension and health insurance.
Dai replied that she didn’t accept.
First of all, the truth of June 4th must be made clear;
who is right or wrong.
There should also be a justice trial. Only once this happens
then they can talk about compensation.

Dai Qing was a reporter at Guangming Daily in 1982 to 1989.
she was dismissed after the June 4th incident.

Another Beijing scholar Zhou Duo, one of the four heroes of
Tiananmen Square protest said the CCP sent a message that
he can apply for a passport to go abroad.

Wu Jiaxiang, Beijing independent scholar disclosed on his
microblog that the Chinese version book of Deng Xiaoping
Biography written by Chinese expert Ezra F. Vogel of
Harvard University was approved for publishing.
Prior to this, the content relating to the June 4th protest was
requested to be deleted.
Now the request is to delete only one chapter.

Angry Guangzhou Democrats Punched
National Security Personnel

The Epoch Times reported that, at 3pm on Dec.16th
24 activists gathered in Guangzhou People’s Park.
They were followed and monitored by National
Security personnel.
National Security wanted to take Liu Yuandong away,
snatched a camera, triggering resistance of the people.
One person punched at the national security personnel’s
hand which was trying to grab the camera.
National Security staff saw how angry everyone was
then released his hand and stand aside.

Several democrats kept shouting: “Down with the CCP,
down with the autocracy!” attracting many crowds in the park.

Xu Lin who attended the meeting said that they exposed the
National security staff crimes.
They dare do bad things secretly and don’t reveal their names.

Many people watched and the national security staff didn’t
make any further move. Finally, all attendees left safely.
