【禁闻】《喜羊羊》热播八年被点名 太暴力?

















采访/陈汉 编辑/黄亿美 后制/郭敬

Chinese Communist Censorship Ends Domestic Cartoon Pleasant Goat

Recently, a Chinese animated television series, Pleasant Goat
and Big Big Wolf, encountered unpleasant censorship.
China Central Television (CCTV) stated that the episodes
mislead children and should be amended.
People say that the movie has been shown on TV
for eight years and has obtained many awards.
Now it was labeled to be of low taste and poor quality,
why didn’t the regime point it out during approval?
Why are they criticizing it now, after the show aired
for eight years?
Scholars worry that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
is intensifying control of people’s ideology and thought.
It could stifle film-makers and TV producers’ creativity.

Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf was produced
by Guangdong-based Creative Power Entertainment (CPE).
Since the cartoon debut in June 2005, it ranked the most
popular cartoon for eight consecutive years in China.
There are more than 1,000 episodes of Pleasant Goat
and Big Big Wolf, which aired on over 50 local TV stations.
It has won China’s Grand Prize for Outstanding Domestically
Produced Animated Cartoon.
However, all this is history.

On Oct. 12, CCTV pulled the show over violence complaints.
Other local TV stations ceased airing the program as well.
Some people mocked, “Pleasant Goat, whom that Wolf
failed to catch, finally was caught by CCTV."

Sources said that in the cartoon,
Wolffy is a cunning character.
His wife, Wolnie (Red Wolf), often hit him over the head
with a frying pan.
Weslie (Pleasant Goat) is another main character.
He is often boiled alive in water and receives electric shocks.
Thus the movie was classified as being too violent
for young kids.

Mainland resident: “I don’t think there
is anything wrong with the movie.
It is for kids, playful, they watch it and laugh, that’s all.
One character held a bottle to hit Grey Wolf, it is nothing."

Huang Weiming, one of creators of Pleasant Goat and Big Big
Wolf, said that they always use standard regulations
during the creativity process.

They always attempt to reinforce the message with
correct values – evil will not triumph over good.
There is no violent language in the movie.

A CPE manager said that he didn’t agree with
the “rectification" CCTV mentioned, however, they
will spend more than 10 million yuan
($1.63 million) on fixing the show.

Ye Kuangzheng, Chinese cultural critic: “The CCP has
a very big problem in controlling literary thought.
They think goodness can only be expressed by showing
all good things.
I think this is the main reason causing the weakening
of creativity in film producing."

The majority of the world-renowned classic Disney animated
cartoon films reflect good triumphing over evil.
The content more or less has plotted combat
between good and evil.

Ye Kuangzheng: “Detective Conan is a famous
Japanese cartoon.
There is a lot of violence and killing in the film.
We need to educate children about what is good and evil.
If in the performance, only good exists but there is no evil
to contrast, there is no way to reflect what evil is.
This is a fundamental composition in literary works.

The existence of evil and violence tells people
to go against them – it is important.
We only show the suffering, and let people know
what sympathy is."

Detective Conan is a Japanese detective manga series.

The story is interspersed with many of sentiments,
friendship, crime, revenge and suspense.
Chinese people love the story.

Later, the story was adapted into
animation cartoons and movies.
Many countries in Asia-Pacific aired the movie.

In Mainland China, many local TV stations
have repeatedly broadcast it.

On Oct. 5, the State Administration of Radio,
Film and Television issued a statement.
It said that by the end of this year, they will release
regulations for cartoons content.
It includes some restrictions on violence and bad language.

Meanwhile, the regime has tightened online control.

Since September, hundreds of online bloggers were arrested,
including celebrity blogger Big V.
People generally believe that this shows the CCP is worried
about losing control of online expression.
Although the CCP has put much effort into
controlling online public opinion,
the Internet is still full of discussion, ridicule,
and information sharing.
Some small-scale online campaigns
have spread all over the country.
Thus the regime is tightening control of public opinion.

The regime criticized the domestic cartoon
via the newspapers.
The people worry that there is no hope
for the future media.

Detective Conan has the classic line,
“There is always only one truth."
