【禁闻】港府中共都敲打 李嘉诚反击大动作
















美国南卡罗莱纳大学艾肯商学院教授 谢田:“这种主动的访问,在关键的时刻,显然李嘉诚在撇清自己,想给北京亮相,给北京表明态度。”






采访/易如 编辑/宋风 后制/萧宇

Li Ka-shing Strikes back to The Communist Regime and
Hong Kong Government

In an interview with the South China Morning Post,
Li Ka-shing, Hong Kong’s Cheung Kong Holdings
Chairman of the Board, made rebuttal comments
about cashing out of Hong Kong and property hegemony.
Since 2006, Li Ka-shing rarely gives media interviews.
Why did he do it this time?
The following is our report.

Hong Kong’s richest man Li Ka-shing made his comments
in an interview with Guangzhou-based Nanfang Media Group.
To the rumor about pulling out capital from Hong Kong,
Li responded: It’s Arabian Nights.
It’s such a big joke.
Today I’m going to hit back.

Li Ka-shing said his group of companies spent HK$13 billion
this year on overseas investments with a capital investment of
HK$8 billion, accounting for less than 2% world gross income.

And this year they invested HK$4 billion in
Hong Kong’s container port.
To the rumor about pulling out of assets,
Li states: it is groundless.

Li Ka-shing emphasized:
Cheung Kong and Hutchison will never leave Hong Kong.

Li Ka-shing also explained that government officials
balance the interests of various stakeholders and that
the property market is not controlled by the property tycoons
as the public notion has it, the “property hegemony".

Li also warned about the city’s ruling.

He said: In a healthy society
government and business have tight relations.
It is critical for the ruling to be based on justice and
fairness in policy implementation.
Hong Kong cannot go down the path of ruling of men.
Li gave advice, saying governments should
never exercise their power in a selective manner.

He also said that it would be useless to worry,
if the political issue is directed at him.

Li Ka-shing has not given any media interview since the 2006
interview with Forbes.
A reporter from Nanfang Media Group
indicated that Li initiated the request.

A student activist group member of Hong Kong
wrote in Facebook: Finished reading the interview,
it is indeed targeted at 689, and to the point.

The so-called 689 is a satire about
Hong Kong’s Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying for being elected
by only 689 ballots.

Joseph Yu-shek Cheng, professor of Political Science at
City University of Hong Kong, believes that Li Ka-shing
will clarify some of the issues through the interview.

Joseph Yu-shek Cheng, professor of Political Science at
City University of Hong Kong: He has two purposes.
One is to clarify the rumor about cashing out of Hong Kong
because he’s not optimistic about the city.
The other is about the rumor that he’s not on agreement
with current administration, Leung Chun-ying.

This year, Li has moved assets abroad after selling three
commercial properties – in Shenzhen, Shanghai and Beijing –
for a total of 12.8 billion yuan (HK$16.2 billion),
sold part of his assets in Hong Kong,
and even looking to sell the Park n Shop chain,
the speculation that the Hutchison Whampoa founder
was pulling his investments has gone wild.

Li Ka-shing has been named “Hong Kong’s superman",
“the richest man in Asia", and “Hong Kong Dream"
to the disgraceful “evil capitalist", “vampire",
and “property hegemony".

Criticism of Li Ka-shing is also recently prevalent in China.
Executive chairman of Alibaba Group, Jack Ma, a close figure
to the Communist officials, said that in Hong Kong
the Internet era no longer belongs to Li Ka-shing.

Xie Tian, professor of School of Business, University of South
Carolina Aiken: His initiative in conducting the interview
at a critical moment is clearly that Li Ka-shing wants to
demonstrate his political stance to Beijing.

During the interview, Li Ka-shing repeatedly stressed that
he’s in support of the central Communist regime.
He’s proud of being Chinese.

He hopes for long lasting prosperity for the country,
and his contribution to the nation.
His words were commented as a gesture to the Beijing leaders,
reported Hong Kong’s Apple Daily.

Former writer and news director of Hong Kong based
Ta Kung Pao, Zhu Jianguo, indicates that Li Ka-shing
expressed his opinions about

“exercising power in a selective manner", “ruling of man" and
“Hong Kong’s core values, such as an open and free market,
and the rule of law,…would be all gone",
it is addressed to Beijing,
which determines the policy of Hong Kong.

Zhu Jianguo, columnist in Chinese politics: He intended to
convey his idea to Xi Jinping about not to destroy things
that do not come by easily.

Zhu Jianguo points out that Li Ka-shing is more worried
about his investments in China being suppressed following the
further centralized autocratic route the Third Plenum signals.

Former writer of Southern Weekly, Chang Ping commented,
Li Ka-shing intended to address to certain people
in mainland China, and that’s the reason why
he chose media from China for the interview.

Interview/YiRu Edit/SongFeng Post-Production/XiaoYu
