
【新唐人2009年10月12日讯】 (渥太华)第九届加拿大排灯节庆祝活动10月8号星期四在国会山举行,总理哈珀和外交部议会秘书长迪帕克.奥博哈(Deepak Obhrai)是这次活动的主要贵宾,这是出席人数超过425人,其中包括国会议员,省市议员,外交使团和来自从渥太华,多伦多和蒙特利尔的印度籍人士。

迪帕克(Deepak Obhrai)在欢迎致词中说,他在国会山首次开始庆祝排灯节始于1998年,大力的支持了加拿大印度社区。




“正如印度和加拿大正变得越来越强大,加拿大与印度的关系正在变得越来越强大”,总理说。 “由于我们的政府上台近4年来,我们一直在不懈地努力建立更强大,更好的与印度的关系。”

“Diwali ( 也叫 Deepavali, 排撜节 / 光明节 )是印度教 (Hindu)、耆那教 (Jain)、锡克教 (Sikh) 和佛教节日。它被称为“排撜节或光明节”,象征着正义战胜邪恶,遍地燃起灯火也是喜庆和人类希望的标示。

庆祝Diwali或Deepavali,是因为庆祝主罗摩 ( Lord Ram [或写作 Rama ] )在结束14年的流放生涯归来,且期间杀低邪魔拉代拿 ( Ravana )。屠杀邪魔拉代拿之日的庆祝就是Dushehra ( 即 Diwali 第19-21天) 。这节日一般的焦点是灯火,尤其会用上传统的印度油灯 diyas 。印度很多地方会放烟火。

群众会在印历中的 Ashwayuja月一连六天庆祝 Deepavali (排灯节 ),差不多是西历的十或十一月。这是印度最流行和最为万众期待的节目。印度教、耆那教和锡克教等等都视这节日为对生命的礼赞,也利用这个节期来巩固家庭和社会伦理关系。对耆那教徒来说,这是其中一个最重要的节日,也是耆那教新一年的开始。

这节日标志着正义战胜邪恶。梵文Deepavali的意思是一排的灯, 代表了光明压倒黑暗。因梵文已式微,渐渐变成了Diwali,这名称广泛地流传,尤其在印度北部。

在 Diwali( 排撜节 ) 当日,很多人会穿上新衣服、齐享糖果和爆竹。印度北部的商家一般都以Diwali( 排撜节 )作为财政新年度的首天,当天会用新账簿作业。

9th National Diwali celebration held on Parliament Hill

(Ottawa) The 9th National Diwali celebration on Parliament Hill was held on Thursday, October 8th under the patronage of Deepak Obhrai, M.P. and Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper was chief guest at the event, which was attended by an overflowing crowd of more than 425 people, which included Members of Parliament, members of the diplomatic corps and Indo-Canadians from Ottawa, Toronto and Montreal.

Welcoming the audience, Obhrai noted that he began the Diwali celebration on Parliament Hill in 1998 with the support of the Indo-Canadian community.
“Since then, Diwali on Parliament Hill has grown in significance and stature, and today can truly be considered as Canada’s National Diwali Festival,” Obhrai said.

He thanked this year’s organizers of the event, the India Canada Association of the National Capital Region and the India-Canada Ottawa Business Chamber, and also the corporate and private sponsors of the event.

Prime Minister Harper noted that the “growing Indo-Canadian community is at the forefront of Canada’s quest to build an even better country for generations to come. From coast to coast to coast our country has been and continues to be immeasurably enriched by your contributions.”

“Just as the Indo-Canadian community is growing ever larger, Canada’s relationship with India is growing ever stronger,” said the Prime Minister. “Since our Government came to office nearly four years ago, we’ve been working tirelessly to build stronger, better relations with India.”
