【新唐人2009年11月26日讯】(渥太华)卡尔加里东区国会议院、外交部议会秘书长DEEPAK OBHRAI,26号在国会发表声明如下:
孟买恐怖袭击事件周年 民众悼死者
2008年11月26号傍晚,20多名手持冲锋枪和自动武器及手榴弹的恐怖份子,分乘三艘橡皮艇自海上接近“印度门(Gateway of India)”码头登陆印度第一商业大城孟买。登陆后,分别攻击了邻近的泰姬玛哈旅馆、奥拜罗旅馆、购物中心、咖啡店、医院、影院、机场和火车站等,造成无辜群众惨重伤亡。
Canada and India will fight global terrorism, Obhrai tells Parliament on the anniversary of the Mumbai terrorist attacks
(Ottawa) Deepak Obhrai, M.P. for Calgary East and Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, today made the following statement in the House of Commons:
“Today Canada remembers the victims of last year’s deadly attacks in Mumbai. A year ago, cowardly terrorist attacks took the lives of 166 innocent civilians, including two Canadians.
Our thoughts are with the families of the victims and with the survivors of this terrible tragedy.
Last week the Prime Minister, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and myself stayed in Mumbai at one of the hotels which were attacked.
Canada itself is not immune to terrorist attacks. Canadians lost their lives in the Air India bombings as well as the September 11th attacks in New York.
Canada has designated June 23rd as the National Day of Remembrance for Victims of Terrorism which aims to denounce terrorism and honour the memory of its victims such as those who lost their lives in the deadly attacks in Mumbai.
Canada and India have agreed to continue to fight against global terrorism.”