【禁闻】学者揭重庆假造新闻 捧“唱红”



这篇文章随即引来吴祚来的反击。吴祚来在新浪微博发出博文说:“郑重声明,我没有说过这样的话,完全是欺骗,请重庆市委宣传部核实。重庆媒体,你不能这样公然造谎啊! !”











Scholar Reveal Chongqing Media’s Fake News

A recent article on Chongqing Daily quoted many
well-known experts in support of the movement
“sing communist songs and crack down on the illegal”.
However, one of the scholars quoted in the report
said his remarks were fabricated by the newspaper.
This scholar never supported this movement,
and he is against singing communist songs.
In 2010, Chongqing Daily falsely quoted him 3 times.

Chongqing Daily’s article published on Feb. 3 is titled
“Renowned Experts Comment Favorably of Chongqing"
It said that many experts praised CCP Secretary
Bo Xilai’s “singing communist songs” movement in 2010.
Beijing Chinese Culture and Arts Research Institute’s
researcher Wu Zuolai was quoted, “Communist songs
are an inexhaustible source of spiritual food.”

Wu refuted the article by micro-blogging on Sina.com:
I solemnly declare that I didn’t make such comments.
This is a lie. I ask the city’s propaganda office to check.
Chongqing media, you cannot make such blatant lies!

In an interview with Deutsche Welle, Wu said,
Chongqing Daily falsely quoted his remarks 3 times.
Previously he was worried that the reporter would be
negatively impacted by a strict investigation.
Since he was repeatedly quoted without permission,
Wu was forced to issue a statement on the micro-blog.

Wu also said he doesn’t like the communist songs,
as they bring back painful memories for his childhood.
He said, “Chongqing Daily uses the scholars to
promote the official movement. They commit frauds.”

Wu Baozhang, ex-director of the Chinese Department,
Radio France Internationale, said, frauds committed
by Communist media are nothing new. He suggested
victims, such as Wu Zuolai, should take legal actions.

Wu: He should file a lawsuit against the newspaper
for slandering and fabricating false news.

He said singing communist songs is like taking opium.
The aftermath is unthinkable.

Wu: Communist songs are based on CCP’s crimes.
Listening to such things is similar to taking drugs.
I feel that in the current Chinese society,
there are many songs. Why sing communist songs?
This indicates that they don’t have any other ways.

Canadian-based ex-reporter Jiang Weiping worked for
Hong Kong’s newsapaper Wen Wei Po" in Dalian.
He has been investigating Bo Xilai for a long time.
Jiang said that Bo’s “cracking down on the illegal”
campaign employs a lot of fraudulent cases.
Its main purpose is to crack down on Bo’s rivals.

Jiang: “Wen Qiang (ex-head of Justice in Chongqing)
was not tried yet, when he was accused of hiding money.
Before Wen’s sister-in-law Xie Caiping’s was tried,
the media reported that she maintained 8 or 9 lovers.
It later turned out that she had an affair with her driver.
To implement his campaign, Bo used all possible means
– rumors, libels, slandering, etc.
He used these before in Dalian. There are many examples.

When Wu Zuolai responded netziens’ questions,
he said he had never been in Chongqing,
nor had any contact with the media in Chongqing.
He micro-blogged: “Let’s see how Chongqing
fights against fake news!"
“Media there has repeatedly fabricated the news.
I don’t know from where they obtained the courage.”

NTD reporter Wu Wei
