【禁闻】陈光诚寓外 外国记者遭暴力驱赶






15 号,在北京餐聚商讨救援陈光诚的律师中,也有三人被公安盯上。江天勇在下午四点被辖区的羊坊店派出所警员带走,其间还被海淀分局国保路永辉施暴。





Foreign Journalists Violently Expelled Outside Chen Guangcheng’s Residence

After the video of blind lawyer Chen Guangcheng
under house arrest was released,
international media has tried to interview him.
Some overseas journalists were violently expelled
outside his residence and their equipments damaged.
On Feb 15, several Beijing lawyers had a dinner party
to discuss the rescue of Lawyer Chen.
They were, however, taken away by police for
Interrogation and were seriously threatened.

On Feb 15, CNN released a video of several Chinese
men pushing around reporters and throwing stones
at television crews walking backwards.
Other journalists mistreated include those from
Le Monde of France, the New Observation magazine,
RFI, and the New York Times.
Three French journalists lodged complaints with
China’s Foreign Ministry but have got no responses.

U.S. based China Aid Association said:
“In the past few weeks,
some Chinese reporters trying to contact Mr. Chen
have been attacked.”

RFI journalist Stéphane Lagarde said:
“They snatched my sound recorder and
seized my press card. “
The recorder was later returned to him,
but the memory card inside was missing.
The backpack of a female journalist
from New Observer was almost grabbed.

The next day, two reporters from the New York Times
tried to interview Chen Guangcheng.
The security area, however, was enlarged.
Reporter Andrew Jacobs said:
“It seems the local government doesn’t want
foreign reporters to come and see Mr. Chen.
Local leaders don’t want Chen’s family to have
any contact with the outside world.
That’s their purpose.”

On Feb 15, some lawyers gathered to talk about
rescuing Chen. Three were followed by the police.
Lawyer Jiang Tianyong was taken away by police
from the local Yangfangdian Police Station,
and was abused by Lu Yonghui from
Haidian Public Security Bureau.

At 6:30 pm, police broke into Lawyer Tang Jie’s home
and took him away by force.
Lawyer Teng Biao was stopped by the police
on his way home and put under house arrest.

Lawyer Jiang told RFA, the lawyers don’t understand
why Beijing police support the Shandong police
so unconditionally.

RFA reported that an online organization named
“Chinese citizens anti-democratic Award”
issued a “Lawless Award” to the Linyi Government
and Police Department in Shandong Province
for their “achievement” in boldly discarding the law
for the loyalty to the Communist Party.

NTD reporters Li Ting and Wang Mingyu.
