【禁闻】两会前 最想问温家宝的问题












Questions to Wen Jiabao before “the Two Meetings”

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao answered questions
online to netizens, in so-called “Internet Politics".
Did the questions asked reflect real public opinion?
What are the questions from those Chinese people
who didn’t have a chance to ask him online?
Let’s take a look.

Chatting with netizens online before “Two Meetings”,
is a job Wen’s been doing for 3 consecutive years.
CCP-controlled media also trumpeted the event.
Xinhua.com reported that his online communication
focused on plans to improve people’s livelihood,
which shows the determination of the government.

Liu Yujie at Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences:
I think it is empty talk, because the real problems
in people’s life are not resolved.”

Petitioner Ms. Jin from Shanghai:
He has spoken to the netizens on people’s livelihood.
However, some of his words and actions do not
meet the requirements of people’s livelihood.
What would be my question?
It’s about practical issues.
I need to eat, to survive and to settle down. I think
the gap between rich and poor should be narrowed.

Petitioner Mr. Zhou from Beijing:
We tried to communicate with him online before,
but our messages were all blocked and not posted.
The court didn’t accept our cases.
We don’t think asking questions online is meaningful.

Chinese columnist Ding Dong asked Wen questions
on his own blog:
Upon learning that the Governor was coming to visit,

1. How to solve the problem of national income growth
not keeping up with inflation?

2. Wen’s opinion on the government’s enhanced control
of the Internet and restrictions on freedom of speech?

3. Can Wen clearly express his position on
Gaddafi’s inhumane suppression of Libyans?

4. How to solve people’s housing problem?

5. Are the civil rights stated in the Constitution realized?

6. What are the reasons for shelving indefinitely
China’s political reform?

7. What’s Wen’s opinion on the promotion of
ex-Hubei Governor Li Hongzhong, who brutally
stopped a reporter by taking away her recorder?

Ding Dong also raised questions about corruption,
people’s voting and information rights.

Activist Mr. Zhao from Northeast China:
I’ve just one question for him:
When will your Party learn to be good?
This government is too corrupt.
Everything is for show, to deceive the people
inside and outside China.

Ding Dong thinks “Internet politics" a fancy term.
Nobody in the government faces the reality
or listen to the public to solve practical problems.
They just pursue appearances and pay lip service.
Although there have been officials chatting online to
improve the Party’s image, it is not popular.
Public participation is not very active.

NTD reporters Chang Lei, Li Jing, and Huang Rong
