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Foreign journalists suffered police brutality in Beijing.
Feb. 27, in Beijing’s most famous shopping street,
Wangfujing, police were busy arresting the protesters.
Rushed to the site, many journalists were beaten by
the police, some were arrested, detained or
suffered from physical violence.

BBC journalist Gu Qiuzhen said,
police grabbed his hair and threw him into a van.
Police slammed door on his leg.
He saw other journalists being kicked
and punched in the face,

Bloomberg TV reporter Stephen Engle were
badly beaten by at least 5 plainclothes.
He was taken to a nearby police station,
his camera confiscated.

VOA Beijing correspondents Stephanie Ho
and Zhang Nan were taken by plainclothes and
temporarily detained,
their photos and voice recording confiscated.

Mandarin Director Daren Luo of Voice of America:
“It happened many times.
They were stopped from doing their job.
We have raised the issue with US Ambassador in Beijing.
He has protested officially.

Ambassador Jon Huntsman called the detention and
beating of the foreign journalists “unacceptable and
deeply disturbing.” He urged the Chinese government
to hold the perpetrators accountable and respect
the rights of foreign journalists in the country.

CNN’s report said, more than 120 police vans and
several hundred police lined at Wangfujing that day.
Many undercover police were watching secretly.

Around a dozen journalists were pushed and dragged
by police, including two from Taiwan Sanli TV.
The cameraman’s shoulder was hurt by the police.
He and a female reporter were interrogated separately
and released by 6 p.m.

Taiwan government spokesman Johnny Chiang
regretted over the detention of Taiwan reporters.
He also urged Beijing to respect journalists’ rights.

KMT Legislator Lai Shyh-bao said,
a progressive society must have the press freedom,
which is a universal value like democracy
and human rights. He called on Chinese government
to respect foreign media workers.

US spokesman Crowley: We are deeply concerned
that Chinese authorities did not protect the safety
and property of these journalists and we expect them
to hold the perpetrators accountable.

International journalists are now paying close attention
to the situation.
“Reporters Without Borders" issued a statement
condemning the Chinese police brutality.

NTD Reporters Wang Kaidi and Tang Rui
