



一名反政府示威者:“我们会在这里示威, 直到所有关于改革的要求都得到满足,而不仅仅是让这个政权倒台。赶走这个政权是最主要的,但是我们会将游行进行下去,直到改革的要求得到满足。”




StoryWestern and Gulf diplomats failed on Sunday (May 22) to persuade Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh to sign a deal that would ease him out of power and make him the third Arab leader ousted by popular protests, diplomats said.

Saleh, a political survivor who had already twice backed out of signing at the last minute, was under intense diplomatic pressure to seal the Gulf-brokered deal to end three months of protests against his rule.One of the diplomats told Reuters it had failed.

A Gulf diplomat said the Gulf Cooperation Council bloc of Yemen’s wealthy oil-exporting neighbours may withdraw its initiative as a result.

Yemeni TV on Sunday broadcast pictures of members of the ruling General People’s Congress signing the agreement in the presence of Saleh, who did not put pen to paper.

A representative of the GPC’s political ally, the National Democratic Alliance was also seen signing.

In a television address, Saleh indicated he would not sign unless the opposition, which had signed the deal on Saturday (May 21), attending a signing ceremony at the presidential palace, something they refused to do.

“The President said, ‘yes, I will sign if the opposition come public (presidential) palace’, as they are going to be partners in the transitional government," Saleh said.

The deal would have given Saleh immunity from prosecution, ensuring a dignified exit after nearly 33 years at the helm of the Arabian Peninsula state, located on a shipping lane through which 3 million barrels of oil pass every day.

Hundreds of armed Saleh loyalists rallied against the deal on Sunday, blocking main roads and preventing a Gulf mediator from leaving the United Arab Emirates embassy to head to the presidential palace in Sanaa for the signing, witnesses said.

Armed Yemeni government loyalists trapped Arab and Western diplomats inside an embassy on Sunday to block the signing. They later left the compound by helicopter.

The United States and Saudi Arabia, both targets of foiled attacks by al Qaeda’s Yemen wing, are keen to end the Yemeni stalemate to avert deeper chaos that could give the militant network more room to thrive.

More than 170 protesters have been killed in a crackdown on demonstrations, part of the wave of uprisings across North Africa and the Middle East that swept aside the leaders of Tunisia and Egypt.
