【禁闻】刘淇警告微博 军警攻网 涉高层权斗



















CCP Warns Microblogs

Wenzhou train crash caused collective disobedience of media
and netizens towards the Central Propaganda Department.
Internet influence increased, and impacted interest groups
of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
In China’s Internet era, there are about 500 million netizens.
The CCP strengthens monitoring of online opinions,
blockading Falun Dafa information, and exposing
power struggles between the factions of Hu and Jiang.

On August 21, Beijing CCP Secretary Liu Qi
inspected Youku and Sina Corporations,
and listened to CEO Charles Chao of Sina,
who introduced the microblogs.
The former head of Google China, Kai-fu Lee also spoke.
Sina microblog has over 200 million registered users.
Liu warned Internet companies to avoid “false and harmful
information” and spread the socialist core value system.
After Wenzhou train crash, under the order of Zhang Dejiang
and Zhou Yongkang, heads of rail and political affairs,
the Ministry of Railways immediately buried
the crashed train to conceal evidence.
Li Changchun in charge of the Propaganda Department
forbids media from reporting on it.
Sina and other microblogs became places where millions
of netizens disclose information and express their anger.
Wall Street Journal quoted analysts and pointed out that
Wenzhou’s crash is a turning point of Sina’s microbloging.
Many users worry that this might be the end of microbloging.
Recent official newspapers’ editorials reinforce this concern.
In this context, Liu Qi’s visit to Sina headquarters
may be an ominous hint.
The North Wind (a netizen): “A while ago we saw CCTV
criticizing the microbloging, but it suddenly stopped.
I don’t think this thing is over.
Their purpose could be to stir public opinion,
and then to launch a new round of Internet campaigns,
followed by focussing on the microblogs."
Liu Qi, Li Changchun, Zhou Yongkang and Zhang Dejiang
are all key figures in Jiang Zemin’s faction.
Sina has relationships with Hu Jintao originally.

The former CEO of Sina, Mao Daolin, is Hu’s son-in-law,
in 2003 he married Hu Haiqing, Hu’s daughter.
Boxun website recently revealed news from Hu’s Office,
that CCP now has a collective leadership.
Politburo Standing Committee members have their own
share of the work, where they have the right to decide.
The control and management of the Internet
basically are not under the instructions of Hu andWen.
Information Office proposed to just close the microblogs,
but Hu and Wen administration refuse to discuss the matter.
In the next two years, Hu and Wen may utilize public online
opinions to get rid of the most corrupted people within CCP.
In March and Sept. 2010, Baidu, China’s largest search
engine, suddenly lifted restrictions on sensitive topics
like the court cases against Jiang Zemin, the tide of CCP
withdrawals, the Shen Yun shows, etc. It lasted many days.
Li Tianxiao, Ph.D. in Political Science, Columbia University,
said, with Internet police and ‘Fifty Cent Party’ monitoring,
technical failures would be less likely to persist.
Maybe Hu directed Baidu to do so, as to attack Jiang’s forces.
CCTV has bombarded Baidu for four days as a false website.
Outside analysis see in this Li Changchun’s efforts
to strengthen supervision of Baidu, while cleaning the road
for Xinhua Web and People’s search engine.
North Wind: “People’s search engine may take actions soon,
there is no doubt it needs to out compete Baidu.
There is no better way than using CCTV to discredit it.”

US Google Inc. was forced out of the Chinese market
in a similar fashion.
WikiLeaks disclosed secret messages from US public affairs,
that those who ordered the hacking of Google’s Website,
include Li Changchun, Zhou Yongkang
and Liu Yunshan (Head of the Propaganda Department).
On July 17, CCTV’s military technology program
‘Cyber ​​Storm is Coming,’ released the network attack system
created by People’s Liberation Army’s
Institute of Electronic Engineering.
The program showed the attacks on Falun Dafa websites,
targeted by the Public security departments too.
Great Firewall and the Golden Shield projects, directed
by Jiang Mianheng, Li Changchun and Zhang Chunjiang,
are part of the national monitoring system and have
the capabilities of online blockade, defense and attack.
The units involved include Chinese Academy of Sciences,
National Defense Science, the third section of General Staff,
the ninth bureau of Public Security,
the PLA Information Engineering University,
the PLA Armored Force Engineering Institute, 56th section
of General Staff, and many more universities and companies.
The Global Internet Freedom Consortium, established
by Falun Dafa practitioners, developed a dynamic network,
an unbound network software, and other softwares,
to effectively break through the CCP’s information blockade.
Those become major communication channel tools
for the Chinese people to reach the free outside world.
NTD reporters Li Yuanhan and Zhou Ping
