【禁闻】温州南站电务段发公开信 喊冤

【新唐人2011年9月1日讯】中共当局对“7•23”温州动车追尾事故调查结果即将公布前,发生了一件“微妙”的事情。署名为“杭州电务段温州车间全体职工” 的一封公开信,在内地各大论坛被转载,信中反驳国家安监总局总工程师、新闻发言人黄毅关于“7.23”温州动车追尾事故原因的讲话。





“2、汇报主要是车站值班员的职责,而电务值班人员应当在接收车站的故障通知后,按照故障处理流程尽快修复设备。事实上当天车站值班员已经发现了CTC设备故障,并向行车调度作了汇报,只是没有在运统-46上登记并通知电务值班人员。因此,电务值班人员不存在“ 未按规定进行及时汇报”问题。


公开信除了反驳黄毅的讲话,还透露以前鲜为人知的“D3115次丢车”,“该系统没有丢车报警功能” 等信息。显示当时D3115次丢车虽然已经被调度确认,但由于系统功能缺乏,无从处理。不过,调度员在收到“丢车报告”后为什么没有发出预警,以及是否还有别的隐情等,则将引发新的问责。

“丢车”这一信息在各大论坛上引起网友的热烈议论,许多网友表示震惊。有网友指责这体现了“铁道部的管理弱智,一定不能承认,找替罪羊是惯用的手法。”也有人讽刺说:“ 安监局的报告已经避重就轻,帮领导开脱了,可惜下面的人不愿意帮领导背责任,没有全局观。” 更有人叹息,“没有公正,没有真相,从上而下,彻底溃烂。”

公开信在网络引发讨论后,《每日经济新闻》31号的报导说,杭州电务段温州车间有关负责人30号表示,虽然这一公开信的署名为“ 杭州电务段温州车间全体职工”,但写公开信的可能是温州车间个别职工,或其他车间,不清楚是什么人所写。但他没有否认“ 7•23”事故当天值班的两名职工到目前为止仍然被扣留。

公开信中也提到,“我们深感不安,甚至是恐惧。大家都害怕值班,害怕处理故障,大家都对铁路信号工作失去了信心,深怕一不小心就会被追究法律责任。这是我们的悲哀,也是所有电务职工的悲哀,也是“ 公道”的悲哀,更是社会法制的悲哀…。”


Wenzhou South Train Station Electricity Department’s Open Letter

Prior to the ‘July 23 high-speed rail crash’s result releasing,
a ‘delicate’ issue took place.
An open letter claimed to be written by “All members of staff
in Wenzhou Railway Electricity Department”
has been widely spread online by netizens.
It disputed the news spokesman and the state administration’s
bureau engineer Huang Yi about his remarks
explaining the main cause of the rail incident.

The eastday.com said on August 30, that all staff members of
the electricity department in Wenzhou South Station jointly
wrote an open letter, which was made public on August 26
to disprove news spokesman Huang Yi’s speech.
It stated, “the staff members disagree with the content,
which is biased and obscure.” In the letter it is also stated that
two staff on duty on the day of accident are still detained.

Huang told China News on Aug. 23, responsible departments
didn’t take precautionary measures before the crash.
He also blamed the staff of the Electricity Department in
Wenzhou South Station for their delayed report,
no recovery process and ineffective prevention measures.

The letter refuted Yi’s speech point by point:
1. The “ no recovery processing” is a lie.
The electricity department staff members on duty at that
time were troubleshooting the two track circuits.
2. Reporting is the duty of the shift staff of the station.
The electricity workshop staff members are responsible for
repairing the equipment after receiving a fault notice
from the station.
The fact is, the shift duty staff had already found fault in the
CTC equipment and reported this to the dispatching department.
They did not inform the electricity department staff on the
YT-46 registration system.
Hence, the electricity department staff members were
not responsible for the delayed report.
3. On the day of crash, the monitoring screens at the station
and the dispatching department showed signs that
the D3115 train was missing, however, the CTC equipment
lacks an alarming function for missing trains.
Nevertheless, the shift station staff reported the train missing
situation to the dispatching department.
The open letter is not only refuting Huang’s speech,
but provides more information.
This includes the unknown fact of the D3115 train missing
and the lack of an alarming function for missing trains.
It shows that despite the train missing message was confirmed,
it was not dealt with, due to the system’s lack of functionality.
As to the reason why the dispatchers did not make any early
warnings upon receiving the report,
or if something had been hidden, remain questionable.

The report of the missing train spurred massive disputes online,
with some citizens making condemning remarks:
“They will never confess the managerial stupidity in the
Ministry of Railways, but they will try to find someone to take
the blame for them.”
Another satirized, “the safety supervision bureau report has
already helped the authorities to defuse the intense critique,
shamefully their subordinates didn’t want to become scapegoats,”
Another said hopeless, “no justice, no truth on any management
level, thoroughly corrupt.”
The NBD News said on August 31 that the person in charge of
the Wenzhou electricity department stated, on August 30,
even though the open letter bears the signature of all staff
members, it may have been written by just a few people,
or by staff from other departments. The fact that two staff
members on duty remain in detention is not denied.
Also contained in the letter, “we are worried and terrified.
People here are afraid to go on shift, or fault processing.
Confidence has been lost in railway signal duties,
for fears of being charged with liability for
making even a slight mistake. It is the sadness for all our
electricity department members, for social morals,
and for social judicial judgment.”

NTD reporters Shang Yan and Bo Ni
