【禁闻】习近平访美遇抗议 内讧外困罩阴霾


美国白宫14号为习近平举行了欢迎仪式,奥巴马总统与习近平举行首次正式会晤。前白宫国家安全委员会亚洲事务资深主任葛林(Michael Green)指出,习近平和奥巴马等美国官员有许多重要的双边、区域和全球议题要讨论,例如伊朗、朝鲜和国际经济问题等,不过解决具体问题并非习近平访美的目标。








13号,《人民网》发表文章声称“习近平今起访美 或定调未来10年中美关系的发展”。当天,《凤凰网》却转载人民日报社原总编辑李庄的文章说:“事先指定谁谁接班,是封建朝廷的做法”。







Xi Jinping is Met with Protests in the U.S.

The Chinese regime’s Vice President, Xi Jinping, began his
five day visit to the U.S. on Feb 13th and met with Obama on Feb 14th.
The day Xi Jinping arrived in the U.S, the Chinese regime
publicly prosecuted the main culprit behind the
“Macau Yuanhua smuggling case,” Lai Changxing, putting a
dark cloud over Xi Jinping’s visit to the U.S.

The U.S. White House held a welcome ceremony for Xin Jinping
on Feb 14th, and Obama officially met Xin Jinping for the first time.
Former senior director of White House National Security
Committee for Asian Affairs, Michael Green, pointed out that
Xin Jinping has many important bilateral, regional, and
global issues to discuss with Obama and other U.S. officials
such as Iran, North Korea, the world economy, and more.
However, solving these issues is not the goal of Xin Jinping’s visit.

Before the visit began, Xi Jinping accepted an interview
From the Washington Post,
in which he criticized the U.S. for increasing
its military deployment in Asia and fortifying alliances.
He also expressed that the U.S government should not let the
Renminbi exchange rate and trade issues affect its relationship with China.
The White House refuted these accusations on Feb 13th.

The Obama administration expressed that the U.S. will not
make sacrifices on major issues just to welcome Xi Jinping,
and will not shy away from discussing human rights, freedom
of speech and religion, and the conflicts in Tibet and Xinjiang.

Recently, military police in the Sichuan, Tibet region open fired
and killed many civilians, and were condemned by the international society.
On Feb 13th, 400+ Tibetans held protest in front of the
Chinese Embassy in Washington D.C.
They burned the Chinese flag and protested the Chinese
regime’s severe suppression in Tibet.

U.S. Vice President Joe Biden met with four Chinese human
rights activists before Xi Jinping’s visit and
expressed concern over China’s reversing human rights record.

Western media reported that during a speech by Xi Jinping

in early 2009 in Mexico, Xi Jinping said, “Some foreigners
who have nothing better to do keep getting into our business.”
The speech caused discontent among western media, and
some expressed that Xi Jinping lacks a politician’s character.

On the day Xi Jinping arrived in the U.S., The Washington
D.C. Falun Dafa Association held a press conference at
The National Press Club to demand that the Chinese regime
stop persecuting Falun Gong.
They also pushed for the punishment of Jiang Zemin and
others who are behind the persecution,
and urged the U.S government to publish the conversation with
Wang Lijun that is related to the persecution of Falun Gong.

The Wall Street Journal pointed out, Chongqing vice-major
Wang Lijun visit to the U.S consulate is major political scandal.
This shows Xi Jinping’s rise at the 18th Peoples Congress
might be in jeopardy.
Regarding Xi Jinping’s visit to the U.S., Chinese regime
media speak in two different voices.
On Feb 13th, Renmin Network wrote an article entitled, “Xi
Jinping visits the U.S., deciding U.S-China relation for the next 10 years.”
On the same day, Phoenix network published an article by
the former People’s Daily Chief Editor, Li Zhuang, in which
He wrote, “Deciding who rise into power beforehand is
the method of feudal dynasties.”

Shenzhen independent scholar Zhu Jianguo expressed that
the media is showing their discontent for Xi Jinping who is considered the “Crown Prince.”
Zhu Jianguo, “Xin Jinping visiting the U.S was published.

That means scholars, media, and common citizens will think
that the 18th people’s congress has not been held yet,
Xi Jinping is visiting the U.S as vice president on the surface,
but in reality he’s going as the new leader.
This obviously shows a continuation of the feudal dynasty
type of method.”

On the day Xi Jinping arrived in the U.S., Macau’s
procuratorate suddenly announced,
“publicly prosecute the main culprit behind the
“Macau Yuanhua smuggling case: Lai Changxing.”
Evidence suggests that Lai Changxing is behind the crimes of
Jiang Zemin supporters Jia Qinglin, He Guoqiang, Xi Jinping and others.
Among these, Xi Jinping was a official in Fujian for 17 years,
and was governor of Fujian.

External analysts point out, as Xi Jinping’s coronation is not sealed,
he hopes to gain the acceptance of the U.S at this crucial time.
The Chinese regime suddenly prosecuted Lai Changxing, a case
that involves three members of the Politburo Standing Committee.
In addition, Bo Xilai and Wang Lijun began fighting.

All this shows major conflicts among the regime’s central leadership,
a precursor to the disintegration of the communist party.

NTD Reporters Qin Xue, Li Yuanhan and Xue Li
