【禁闻】重庆“黑打” 严刑逼供怵目惊心













采访编辑/李韵 后制/孙宁

Chongqing’s “Fighting Black” Tortures Exposed

With Bo Xilai’s removal from position, more miscarriages
of justice in Chongqing’s “fighting black” campaign surface.
Victims of tortures in the campaign said, in the two years
of Bo’s efforts many people suffered unscrupulousness, inhumanness and trampling on the law.
One such example is Fan Qihang, the first case of death
in Chongqing’s “fighting black” campaign.
The video, which Fan self-narrated about the tortures
before being executed, is now circulating on the networks.
In the video he talks about the tortures,
that he had been subjected to which are shocking.
He had intended to kill himself several times
by bumping into walls and biting his tongue.

The French “Le Figaro" reported on March 28th,
about the Chongqing’s so-called “fighting black” campaign.
It said, nearly 50,000 people were arrested,
including businessmen, company executives and policemen.
Thirteen people were sentenced to death and shot,
and today people are talking about the used approaches.
Like large-scale tortures, extortion from rich business people,
bribing political rivals in Bo’s campaign “fighting black,” etc.

International media also unanimously condemn Chongqing’s
“fighting black.” They talk about the used in it tortures.

The first case is that of Fan Qihang,
a 40-year-old building contractor.
Fan was charged of committing a series of felonies in 2010,
including ordering the murder of a man.
Lawyer Zhu Mingyong secretly screened a video recording
of a meeting before Fan’s execution.
The video is being circulated on China’s networks now.
Fan talks in it about the shocking tortures he had suffered.

Fan Qihang: “I stayed in their so-called
trial base for six months.
During the six months, I had not slept like a normal person.
I was almost every day tormented by them.
In about six months, I singly sat on an iron chair,
which is called punishment chair by them.
Then they put iron chains of 24 kilos on my feet. Then
they made me sit on the iron chair with hands and feet fixed.
It’s a commonplace that I was beaten and kicked regularly.
I was often beaten to the point of being black and blue.”

Fan said that this torture was nothing for him, as it was still
relatively mild, compared to what came after that.
The more serious one was when they hanged him up
under the iron pillar with handcuffs, with his feet in the air.

Fan: “There were many ways they used
to extort a confession from me.
My two hands were put backwards and handcuffed.

Then I was hung up under metal grilles through my handcuffs,
with only my toes touching the ground.
The longest time they hung me was …
They didn’t put me down until 5 days later.
To be honest I do not know how to describe this kind of pain.
It was simply I rather die than live.
Usually I was hung for one or two days,
I think, it is also commonplace. It happened often.”

Fan said painfully that in the whole process of being hung,
the handcuffs would cut into his flesh.
When the handcuffs were opened, there was blood and pus.
Once the guard spent an hour to open the handcuffs.
But besides this, they also used other ways to torture Fan,
like the so-called “Da Biao,” food deprivation for days, etc.

Fan: “Their jargon call it Da Biao, namely with chains on feet
and handcuffed with the chains, the body is at 90 degrees.
The standing at this position lasted for a week.
The longest one I remember, was over 10 days.
In these 10 days, I did not sleep even a minute or a second.
In this process, I accidentally fainted a few times.
Seeing that, they poured cold water on me to wake me up.
Then someone came and held the chains to lift me.
Then they woke me up and made me continue standing."

As Fan could not bear this kind of inhumane torture,
he was in a state of mental disorder several times.
He had attempted suicide in a number of ways, like hitting
his head in the walls and self-mutilation by biting his tongue.
Later on, Fan was convicted and executed in 2010.

Lawyer Tang Jingling pointed out that torture is very popular
not only in Chongqing, but throughout China.
The main reason is that the ruling government power
of the Chinese Communist Party lacks constraints.

Tang Jingling: “China’s power, the power of the government,
lacks constraints.
There is no adequate human rights protection system,
such as freedom of press.
Even the fundamental freedoms can not be safeguarded.
The government power is not supervised by the public.
This kind of things certainly cannot be avoided, including
many cases of non-natural deaths in China’s prisons, they all belong to this category.
Abuse and violence in the course of investigations, as well as
giving the person conviction before trial are very common."

Tang Jingling also said that because of the Fan Qihang case,
and the case of lawyer Li Zhuang, now they expose the “fighting black” in Chongqing fully.
He disclosed that in the Chongqing “fighting black",
the largest private entrepreneurs are either dead or bankrupt.
