
【新唐人2012年4月11日讯】Bo Xilai the former Communist Party chief in Chongqing was once seen as a high-flyer tipped for top office. But he has been sacked and his wife is being investigated in connection with the death of a British businessman. The BBC looks at how China’s biggest political scandal in years unfolded.


2 Feb: Chongqing city government announces that its popular police chief Wang Lijun has been shifted to another job. It is a demotion – and is the first public confirmation that the policeman has fallen out with Chongqing’s Communist Party boss Bo Xilai.


6 Feb: Mr Wang flees to the US consulate in Chengdu near Chongqing. Many believe he went there to seek asylum. He spends the night at the consulate which is surrounded by Chinese police.


7 Feb: The police chief is persuaded to leave the consulate after Chongqing’s mayor rushes to the scene to talk to him. Mr Wang emerges into the waiting arms of the law and then disappears.


8 Feb: The Chongqing government says that because of over-work Mr Wang is suffering from stress and is now receiving “holiday-style medical treatment". In fact he is under investigation and in detention.


5-14 Mar: Bo Xilai takes his seat at China’s annual parliamentary session in Beijing. He keeps an unusually low profile amid rumours that Mr Wang’s actions have tarnished his chances of promotion to the party’s politburo Standing Committee later this year.


14 Mar: At a news conference Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao indirectly criticises Bo Xilai for his handling of the Wang Lijun incident. It is the first comment from a senior national leader on the issue and shows Mr Bo is in a precarious position.


15 Mar: China announces that Bo Xilai has been removed from his post as party chief in Chongqing. Officials confirm that this is because of the Wang Lijun incident. He disappears from public view.


20 Mar: A leaked audio recording suggests Bo Xilai and his police chief fell out when Mr Wang told his boss of an investigation into Mr Bo’s family. Another rumour suggests Mr Bo could be linked to the death of a British businessman Neil Heywood who died in Chongqing last November.


26 Mar: UK government confirms it has asked China to re-examine Neil Heywood’s death.


10 Apr: China announces that Bo Xilai has been stripped of his Communist Party posts and that his wife Gu Kailai and an orderly are being investigated in connection with Mr Heywood’s death.



