【禁闻】林昭遇害44周年 民间悼念获默许
















采访/朱智善 编辑/李谦 后制/李若琳

44 Anniversary of Lin Zhao’s Death, Memorial Activities Allowed

April 29, 2012 is the 44th anniversary of the secret execution
of Beijing University student Lin Zhao.
Lin Zhao was killed for criticizing Mao Zedong.

A large number of people visited Lin Zhao’s mausoleum
in Suzhou City to commemorate her.
Quite unusually, Chinese search engine badu.com lifted
the ban on related information.
Sina microblog also did not block online memorial articles.

Experts analyze that in order for the authorities to suppress
leftists after Bo Xilai’s case, they must expose Mao’s crime.
On the other hand, they are afraid of the collapse of
the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
Therefore, it is not possible for them to allow a complete
exposition of Mao’s crimes.

HK’sMingpao reported hundreds of people across China
visited Lin Zhao’s cemetery.
They read Lin Zhao’s works and brought flowers, as well as
setting up banners with “Immortal Sacred Lady Lin Zhao."
The authorities did not stop them as they would in the past.

Lin Zhao’s original name was Peng Lingzhao.
She was born in 1932 in Suzhou City.
She was admitted to Beijing University in 1954 as
the Number 1 student in Jiangsu Province.
In 1957’s Anti-Rightists movement, she was labeled
as a “rightist” for criticizing Mao Zedong. She was sent to prison in 1960.

Lin Zhao was brutally tortured in the prison,
but she persisted with her belief. She did not give in.
The authorities toughened the persecution as she refused
to transform, and she denied her ‘crimes’.
She was sent to labor education, followed by
20-year imprisonment, until she was secretly executed.

In 1980, Shanghai Supreme Court resolved Lin Zhao’s
case with the excuse of her “mental insanity.”
It was ruled as a case of killing the innocent.

But the inside story of Lin’s persecution, death and
related discussions were treated as a forbidden topic.
There are rarely any reports or online information on this.

Since Wang Lijun’s defection in February this year,
baidu.com has opened up bans at various times.
Keywords include Zhuan Falun, Shen Yun Performing Arts,

Live Organ Harvesting, the video False Fire which
exposes the Tiananmen Self-Immolation hoax, etc.
This time, information about Lin Zhao was also not filtered.

By entering “Lin Zhao” in baidu.com, there are over 700,000
results, includingMemorizing Sacred Lady Lin Zhao,
Lin Zhao’s Letter of Blood, and
History Will Return Innocence to me, etc.
Sina microblog also has many postings to memorize her.

Political commentator Hu Ping said that the CCP wants
to further criticize Mao Zedong due to the Bo Xilai case.

Hu Ping: “They cannot avoid it. If they do not criticize Mao,
then Mao will be used by the leftists and people like Bo Xilai.
This will bring challenges to the authority’s current strategy.

Hu Ping also pointed out that the CCP needs to accelerate
“Eliminate Mao’s Influence,” but don’t dare completely do it.

Hu Ping: “Since Mao was the leader of the CCP when it
founded the government, the negation on Mao will not be complete.
The complete negation of Mao is to completely deny
the CCP regime. So the authorities are cautious.”

Since 1999, China’s independent producer Hu Jie spent
five years making a documentary movie called “Finding Lin Zhao’s Soul.”
The film was banned in China.

Hu Ping thinks it is not likely that the authorities open up
this kind of movie via official media, but might allow it online.

Retired Shandong University Professor Sun Wenguang
pointed out that the high-level CCP is afraid of an uncontrollable situation.
It might gradually open up on similar issues
to Lin Zhao’s case.

Sun Wenguang: “People like us who intend to realize
democracy and freedom should take this opportunity.
We should act appropriately to gradually
improve the situation.”

Lin Zhao’s tombstone at Suzhou Lingnan Mountain is
engraved with Lin Zhao’s last words written in Feb 1964:
“Freedom is priceless, and life has limit;
rather be a broken jade for China.”
