















采访/秦雪 编辑/宋风 后制/君卓


Official: People’s Happiness Not From CCP

Wang Yang, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Secretary
of Guangdong delivered a government report on May 9.
At a CCP’s provincial congress in Guangdong, Wang said,
it is a must to get rid of the misconception that “people’s happiness is bestowed by the CCP and the government."
Wang encouraged the masses’ initiative and creativity
in building a happy Guangdong.
His entirely different tone from the CCP’ past propaganda
has aroused widespread discussions.
A local 10-year rights activist says ordinary civilians are
the losing party in any case implicating the authorities.
Analysts say the CCP leadership lacks confidence,
and a true-sense overall political reform is impossible.
Chen Guangcheng is still under house arrest in hospital,
– a real example of CCP’s unfulfilling its promises.
This shows CCP’ regime cannot be trusted, nor it will be
willing to create happiness for the people, analysts point.

In his work report, Wang Yang highlighted improvement of
people’s livelihood is the basis to build a happy Guangdong.
If the development itself is wrongly regarded as the goal,
the intention of pursuing people’s happiness would deviate,
and people’s interests would be harmed, said Wang Yang.

“Get rid of the misconception that people’s happiness
was bestowed by the CCP and the government” – this phrase of Yang’s talk was widely spread by netizens.

A posting on internet read: “In the future,
we won’t need to thank the Party Mother any more!"
A netizen said this remark of Wang Yang
attacked a key point in the regime’s propaganda.
However, he questioned whether this will be implemented
by the CCP’s Central Propaganda Department.

Some human rights activists are not optimistic about this.

Tian Li, freelancer in Foshan, Guangdong, does not believe
that people will enjoy happiness living in an unjust society.

Tian Li: “I’m involved in rights-defense in Guangdong
for about 10 years now.
In every case that implicates the authorities,
the losing party was always civilians.
From this point, there’s no happiness at all,
only a more miserable life left for people."

Tian Li says, when people suffer beatings and crackdowns
by the ruling CCP, and live in fear, happiness is impossible.
Only when given fair chances to speak and compete,
will ordinary civilians be able to feel happy, Tian Li thinks.

Tian Li: “As long as its (CCP) system remains unchanged,
their talks are useless. This is the essential point."

At the day of Wang Yang’s fair and happy society talk,

Li Jie’e, a resident of Yangji village, Guangdong, jumped to
her death in protest of the regime’s forced demolitions.
Guo Yongfeng, a Shenzhen’ dissident, was officially banned
from posting online and accepting media interviews during the CCP’s Provincial Congress in Guangdong.

Sun Wenguang, retired professor at Shandong Univ., sees
Wang’s words as different from those of other CCP officials.

Sun Wenguang: “I think he is just trying to loosen
the CCP’s typical tricks.
This might aim at slowly diluting CCP’ role in the country’s
political life. But how far can this go it’s hard to tell."

Xia Ming, professor at New York City University, said
for Radio Free Asia that CCP’s leaders lack confidence.
They are unable to cope with modern pluralistic values
and handle with open medias surrounded environments.
So they are unlikely to carry out a full-scale political reform
in its true sense, Xia Ming remarked.
